Friday 30 December 2016

Happy New Year

A very Happy New Year

Have you made a New Year resolution yet ?

Can I invite you to take a look at this ? Go to my YouTube Channel:

If every person in the world were to make this their resolution we would all be able to live a lot happier life.

Talking of happy lives have a look at this on my YouTube Channel:

And one more. This I suggest is the greatest piece of music ever:

Wouldn't 2017 be a special year if we all did what those words say ?

So have a fabulous New Year


Wednesday 28 December 2016

Tuesday 27 December 2016


Did you have this in your record collection ?

Have a look at my YouTube Channel:

Monday 26 December 2016

How was your Christmas ? 

You can read all about mine on my website together with my hopes and ambitions for 2017.

Let me tell you about a truly terrible meal at my local Toby Carvery.

Check my customer service awards:

Read how I suggest homelessness should be made illegal:

It's all there on my website:


Thursday 22 December 2016

Please take a look at my YouTube Channel and watch this:

Then use your social media to pass it to as many people as you can. Encourage your friends to make this their New Year Resolution for 2017

Christmas is coming and so is the New Year - just think what an awesome year 2017 could be if people took these words and applied them to their lives.


Wednesday 21 December 2016

The Wild Adventures Of Di Central Eating

 I have now finished typing up the ten chapters in my story THE WILD ADVENTURES OF DI CENTRAL EATING.  Go to my diary: and click on Di's smiling face to read his adventures.

I want to find someone to dedicate the book to, someone who will support me in taking the draft through the final editing stage. Could that be you ?

Visit my diary and click on DI.

Monday 19 December 2016

Let's get this show on the road.


I am MAX - Max Robinson - The Patriotic Pensioner.  YES that is me in the picture above but sadly these days I look more like that below.

In the picture I am working at my laptop composing my latest diary page. You can read it in full at but here let me whet your appetite.

QUESTION ???????

Do you know what a DDMC is ?

YES a D  D  M  C ?

Let me give you a clue......

If you read my diary you will see that I am NOT having a go at the German car industry - far from it - I am complaining that ego centered trade union leaders and diabolically poor management destroyed our own motor industry. Can you, therefore, blame Germany for filling the gap and our roads with DDMC vehicles ?

See what I have to say on the subject:

My YouTube Channel   On the diary you will find update news for my YouTube channel. LIFE IS A DISCO SO DANCE - that's my maxim for a happy life. I am building a series of songs featuring music I listened to as a kid.

Listen to the songs I have on-line then DANCE.

On my diary you will find details of the story library I am building. The Beatles released their single PAPERBACK WRITER when I was a teenager, ever since I have had great fun writing stories.  These stories, together with new tales, are being put into the Max Robinson Story Library.  They are all linked from my diary.

Can I take a moment to tell you about two of them ?

The Wild Adventures of Di Central Eating is something I wrote more than twenty years ago. It is an adult's view on a child's life.  There are ten chapters in the book, I am currently working to type up Chapter Eight.

Billy Hardcastle is something new, something I am working on at the moment. I am just bringing the story towards its conclusion, another ten of fifteen thousand words and the story will have been told.

These are drafts, no spell check run yet so typos remain.  Once I have each story finished and typed up I will deal with that.  However, do please take a look and see what you think.

I am planning for 2017 to write two diary pages a week and to write 2,000 story words a day. My diary tells it as I see it.  I praise what I believe is good while naming and shaming that which is not.  My aim is to encourage my readers, no matter where they are in the world, to love their country and to be fiercely patriotic towards it.


I you like my diary, if you like my stories then follow me here and keep up with the news.


Thursday 15 December 2016

Just setting up

I already write a blog under the title of DIARY OF A PATRIOTIC PENSIONER.  I am going to bring it here to Blogger.

I need to work out how Blogger works then start posting.

Like they say................

