When I wrote this book in 1992 it was intended as a series of adventures for children. I dedicated it to my daughter Rebekah. I had always had it in my head that the inscriotion read: Rebekah this one is for you but looking now at the original manuscript it reads TO REBEKAH WITH ALL MY LOVE.
Although I had been writing since I was a teenager it was not until 1992 when I first had a book published. That book was PETER'S MAGIC FOUNTAIN PEN.
It should have been published soon after my first book but quite simply I did not get my act together and it was not published until 9th March 2017 on Amazon.
While I intended it as a book for children it is in truth something for adults, it is an adult 's view of a child's life.
It is fiction although each of the adventures is losely based on something from my own childhood.
There are ten adventures:
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