Saturday 27 August 2022

Paperback Writer

As a teenager I was not a great fan of the Beatles. I went to an all-boys school, it was the girls who screamed and pulled their hair out at the Fab Four, for we lads that was not cool.

I was fifteen years old when The Beatles had a hit with Paperback Writer. At the age of fifteen that song inspired me to become a paperback writer and launched me on an addiction for story writing which today, now approaching my seventy-second birthday, sees me as one of, if not the, most prolific writers on Amazon. If you go to my Amazon Bookshelf – you will find I have 114 publications available.


I often say this but I did indeed begin writing as a teenager. I had many an article published in my local newspaper which back then was The Sutton Coldfield News. In the 1980;s I had my own weekly feature page in The Milton Keynes Citizen for which I was quite generously paid. Sadly, technology, rolling twenty-four hour news and the dumbo stupid smart-phone have destroyed such media.

It was in 1992 that my very first book was published. Then in 2016 Amazon accepted me as
one of its authors. Technology has harmed our society but not so Amazon technology which has completely revolutionised writing.

Barbra Cartland officially holds the world record for publishing the greatest number of books in a single year. Unoficcially I hold that record.

In 2021 with the pandemic and lock down having given us 2020 THE YEAR THAT NEVER
WAS I spent so much of my time writing. Amazon accepted 15 books, essays, short stories and e-books from me in 2020 but that number exploded to SIXTY FIVE.  I did not seek to claim the title Barbra Cartland had, I could not cope with the media attention but belive at that point I became the most prolific Amazon author.

If you go to my Amazon Bookshelf – you will find I have, as of 26th August 2021, 114 publications available.

From 1st September 2022 every time Amazon accepts a new work from me I will personally donate £10 to University Hospital Milton Keynes to support children who are sick in its wards, to send love to their families and to thank our NHS staff who are caring for them. YOU can encourage me and inspire me to write more and more by adding your donation at:!/ Will you become part of my Write-In ?

I promise to publish a minimum of one book a month. 2022 for me has been a bad year medically as I have stumbled from one illness to another, twice I have been to A & E, once in Milton Keynes and once in York. Within this old age illness I have received such love from our NHS, our NHS does NOT treat patients but cares for them, cares with love. At times I have wondered if I will actually make it to my seventy-second birthday but my family has a long history across the generations of longevity so I probably have around twenty, perhaps twenty-five years of writing yet to go. Do the Maths: 25 years x a minimum of 12 books X £10 minimum for each = £3,000 + your supporting donations.

Prolific yes, best-selling no. The top one hundred Amazon Authors receive a monthly bonus of £250,000 !
  That is on top of royalties. I am not a best selling writer, I am probably at position 100 in the bottom selling 1000 authors !

ALL of the royalties I receive, every penny, is spent on our SMILE card project. Support does not always mean money but it does always mean love.

Every month personalised SMILE cards are sent to:


CALGARY – Canada   DUBLIN – Ireland   MUMBAI – India



BIRMINGHAM – England  CANBERRA – Australia   


UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL MILTON KEYNES: A & E Unit   Childrens A & E Unit   Renal Ward and Clinic Fracture Clinic   Wards 21a & 21b



 Personalised SMILE cards to patients and to staff who are caring for them, caring with LOVE

Every three months SMILE cards are sent to:

 Blood Donor Team – Christ The Cornerstone Central Milton Keynes

The hospital receiving my donated blood

I am an old man living on a pension, my Amazon royalties fall well short of the costs sending 2,000+ SMILE cards a month to special people around the world. Just imagine what could be achieved supporting these beautiful people: patients, families and staff caring for them if I could sell more copies of my writing.

I am NOT some here today, forgotten all about it tomorrow happy-clappy media puppet the like of which we saw during the pandemic. I have been a supporter of our NHS for almost four decades and with this Write-In am here promising support for the rest of my life.

I LOVE people but what is the point of loving people if we are destroying the planet on which these people live ?

In 1973 to replace trees lost to Dutch Elm Disease the government launched a project PLANT A TREE ‘TIL 73 and then followed this with PLANT SOME MORE IN ’74.

In November 2021 I made a promise to support our National Trust (Of which I have been a member for 40 years) Tree Planting Ambition to plant twenty million new saplings by the year 2030.  Every week I fund a tree to be planted and dedicate each tree to someone within the SMILE project.

I am saying that I will plant a tree every week until my seventy-third birthday and then more to my seventy-fourth birthday, indeed all the way until the National Trust’s tree planting ambition is complete. And then some.

So that’s my plan. Do you think it will work ?  Will you help me make it work ?  

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