Sunday 27 August 2017


My Old Boss, bless him, used to say I was like Blondin, never content without a challenge. When Blondin crossed The Niagara Falls on a tightrope, god knows who actually strung the rope for him to walk on, he stopped half way across and started to juggle.

Those who know me will be aware of my maxim for life - LIFE IS A DISCO SO DANCE !  I have also been known to say -LIFE IS A JAGUAR SO DO NOT DRIVE IT LIKE A FORD FOCUS !

As I have spent the last three months setting up the OurRebekah project I am constantly saying that the DESTINATION is to raise support for Ronald McDonald Houses but that is ONLY the destination. The JOURNEY is to have fun, be a bit silly to smile and make others smile. If the Journey is fun then the destination will be a success.

One of my former students contacted me via Facebook last week. He is headmaster of a school. Within a beautiful note he wrote this:

My memories of you are filled with images of you chasing down the corridor always doing one hundred things at the same time. You always had more energy than most people on the planet. I get the feeling you love the chase more than the prize.

Sam that was really kind of you. THANK YOU.

Call it the chase, call it the journey, call it the destination, call it the prize - we all know what life's destination is don't we ? We never quite know when that destination will arrive so we MUST enjoy every minute of the journey. Like Blondin we must rise to the challenge then add to that challenge, not just to walk across the Niagra Falls but to do something silly as part of it - JUGGLE.

Yesterday I brought on-line the project THE WILD ADVENTURES OF DI CENTRAL EATING.  Take a look. Each chapter in the story has a dedication page, I have just finished listing all of those who have given their love and fun to OurRebekah over the past three months. The lists are astounding, incredible !  The book will be published early in the New Year, I wonder just how big the lists will be then.

NO, I am NOT responsible for the incredible support OurRebekah is finding. I am just opening the doors for the supporters to walk through. If you like I am the one stringing the rope over The Niagara Falls, Blondin is the people who are walking through.

We have not actually done anything in OurRebekah yet !  Sam's description of me is accurate for the last three months and so was my dear old boss who said I always had to juggle half a dozen things at once. Everything is now ready, the projects are in place with nothing left to chance. I am about ready to hand them over to those who will be running them. I will draw breath then string a rope across The Grand Canyon and pick up half a dozen footballs to juggle.


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