Thursday 31 August 2017

Mr Z do not panic !

Now Mr Z before you panic and think your Facebookie thing is failing a bit let me explain that I am going to be away from the laptop pretty much all day. I am facing a challenge far. far greater than anything in OurRebekah's Bureau of Silly Ideas - I am going to drive round the M25 - TWICE !

How is that for a challenge ?

Just keep calm Mr Z I will be back on Saturday.

The Wave Of Love yesterday took on a beautiful crest when Pam sent in these pictures.

Look carefully, you look as well Mr Z.

Where do you think they were taken ?

McDonald's BERLIN.

We are going to San Francisco in April and will be hooking up with the Ronald McDonald Houses there.  Beth, from Trailfinders, who is handling the travel arrangements has family experience of Ronald McDonald House in New Zealand.

When I was chatting to Charlotte from Milton Keynes Vet Group about our Doggie Treasure Hunt she told me her family had used Ronald McDonald House in Australia.

The wave of love is international.

Jake and I went to Stowe gardens yesterday to do some work for the Doggie Treasure Hunt. We were about as far away from the entrance as it was possible to be when it started raining. Absolutely tiddling down I can tell you.

Talk about wave of love, I thought we were about to have a wave of our own in rural Buckinghamshire.

We took a few pics but I am not sure we achieved a lot more.

This amazing building on the right is where the post treasure hunt disco is to be held.

The pic below shows part of the area where we will have the treasure hunt clues placed.

And here below is Jake checking it all out.

Have you added your name to the guest list  yet ? Simply go to 

The downpour of rain was not the only issue I had yesterday. Something went wrong with the website. Don't tell me what, I don't have a clue. Some geek or gremlin was having a bad day. I spoke with a guy at the web hosting company and we fixed it. Well I hope we did. If you find any busted links PLEASE tell me.

Yesterday  49 people checked this page which was a bit down on Wednesday when we had 101. How many will we have today.

Ok the M25 is waiting for me so I had better head off.

Speak again tomorrow.

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