Sunday 7 July 2019

Coming to a loudspeaker near where you live.....

When I opened Facebook this morning I found this had been posted on my timeline.

Josh, I am so proud to have you and your lovely Mrs Josh as my friends. With our new radio show we are going to take the world by storm.

Josh can I play a song for you ?

Driving home from the cinema last night Josh could not stop singing this song !  We had gone to the cinema to watch YESTERDAY. I am not going to say a lot about the film - BRILLIANT is the best word to describe our evening, Josh and I will be reviewing it on our radio show Monday 15th July.

The Lion Sleeps Tonight ?  Ahead of last night's feature there was a trailer for The Lion King which opens on Friday 19th July. Yep we are going to watch and review that film.

Then in August we are going to see this.....

Tomorrow - MONDAY 8th July 5am to 10am Josh and I bring you the first edition of START THE WEEK on CRMK.

On the first show Josh will be talking about his ADVENTURE at Willen's Extreme Challenge while I talk about Rocket Man.

Every week we will have something special to share, an ADVENTURE - a cinema review and a lot more. We are going to have tea at the Ritz - YES WE ARE - booked for November. We are going
to the top of the Shard then returning to the studio we will report on the view. We are going to dance The Lambeth Walk on The Lambeth Walk and make a video blog of it all.

Tomorrow - 5am to 10am - make sure you are listening.

We have a feature of songs for all of our emergency services. We have something for The Food Bank, for all of our homeless and rough-sleeping friends, we have something for our adopted Piggie at Curly Tails Rescue Centre and we will have a special weather report.

I have operated a YouTube channel for a while, we are now turning this into the forum for our regular video blogs to promote our show. Once we have it established YouTube will give us a cut of the advertising income.

Since the day I passed my driving test I have dreamed about owning a Triumph TR7 sports car.

YouTube, will you help me buy that ?

I asked Josh what his dream car is. He was a bit
evasive but I have found out !  The only thing is it has to be black.  You got that YouTube. Do me a Favour YouTube, sort my Triumph TR7 before you get Josh his Bentley !

What is your dream car ?  We will be asking you, our listeners, in a future show to tell us all about your dream cars.

We'll play you a request on the show. Tomorrow we will be playing that for listener David Martin. And Josh will be playing this for him Mum.

Josh and I have had fun with music for coming up to two years. I am busy sorting a couple of thousand pictures to add to the gallery in our website. I am known as THE GERIATRIC DJ - you can find our website at Josh is known as THE ETERNAL TEEANGER - you can also find the website at

Don't you think that Josh looks a bit like Marty Wilde ?

At twenty-eight years of age Josh jokes he gets age checked if he goes to buy a packet of flumps.

My hair is growing back after my second annual sponsored haircut in May. I will soon be a hippie again !  The 2020 sponsored haircut will happen on Tuesday 19th May 2020 in support of Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter.

So coming to a loudspeaker near you......


5am to 10am......

Dave and Josh are The DJ bringing you START THE WEEK.

Get ready to roll out the barrel because we are bringing you a BARREL OF FUN....

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