Friday 26 July 2019

Facebook Free Friday

Did you think I had been abducted ? A day with no posts on Facebook. Do you know I actually received a message from Facebook checking up on me !

YESTERDAY WAS FACEBOOK FREE FRIDAY. I closed the laptop down for a day then tried to chill (Literally) after all of the heat.

Returning today, Saturday, to social media I want to explain something.

In May 2017 I embarked on a series of activities in memory of my daughter Rebekah. In January 2018 Josh and Mrs Josh started to help me. In May 2019 I retired from running these events. Some folk think I did a U Turn and came out of retirement after only a couple of weeks. NO - what is happening now is DIFFERENT.

Josh and I are COMMUNITY ACTIVISTS. Josh and his Missus come as one - Josh without Jelena is nothing,
together they are a powerful force so when I speak about Josh I refer to not one person but TWO.

We are NOT going to be running a series of activities as happened in the past but will be undertaking ADVENTURES which we will use to raise awareness BIG TIME of needs within society.

Josh is 28 years old. Mrs Josh is 32 years old. Add their ages together and you still fall short by 8 years of Yours Truly. I hate being old !

Have you seen this video ?

On Friday 17th May I was taken into a little room at University Hospital Milton Keynes and told Jelena had
a much less than 50% chance of survival. I then had the job of telling Josh who just broke down into tears. Six weeks later that video was made as a tribute to the amazing doctors and nurses at the hospital. WATCH IT !

You can not get a cigarette paper between us when it
comes to our opinions. We do not need to discuss anything as we know we are in united agreement. That gives us a force to be reckoned with when it comes to our work.

We went to the cinema to watch The Lion King. Outside at the end of the film we were UNITED in our opinion of the film.

You can hear Josh giving that opinion on the podcast of our radio show.

Listen to the opening track. We have plans to use that in an ADVENTURE during the coming week. An adventure to raise awareness for a
special cause.

Now we have to make an apology. We will not be broadcasting a show this coming Monday. At 8am I will be in the dentist's chair having surgery. I would much rather be in front of the microphone. We did try to pre-record but things just did not happen as they should. SORRY.

We went to see another film - YESTERDAY. OMG how
we loved that ! So much that last Wednesday saw us at Abbey Road Studio in London.

Have a look at this video.

We left behind a copy of SMILE which we will be using as part of our mission as community activists.

Mrs Josh made sure the entire world knew Abbey Road was no longer famous for John, Paul, George and Ringo but for David, Josh and Jelena !

Leaving Abbey Road we grabbed a bit of lunch. The phone rang.

"It's AAAA from BBB, is it a convenient time to talk about CCC ?"

OMG did that really happen ? We are engaging politicians at a high level as we seek to raise awareness and stop people who put ticks in boxes doing just that - ticks are people !

Lunch over we did something I have wanted to do for years. My friends made it happen. Watch this video.

We know exactly how we are going to use that to support an area of our society. 

The day before we went to London we went into Campbell Park Milton Keynes. We were on a mission. That mission was a success, we found what we were looking for. Help is now on the way to the resident of this tent.

There is another tent in another park in Milton Keynes which was not on the radar. It IS on the radar now.

Mrs Josh will tell you how she remembers when we first met I shared a poem with her. This poem is central to our work.

Please watch the video.

I am terrified of high places, it is a phobia I have had since I was a child. My friends took me to the top of the highest building in Europe.  I was scared stiff but I did it. We will be using this to tell those we seek to support that anything is possible. Yes, I did get to the top but I did not hang out of the window with a camera as Josh did.

Another video for you to watch.

It was flippin' hot in London last week you know but not as flippin' hot as our politics !

We are extreme right wing socialists !

We believe in and love people but the ONLY way you can stop the sad generators of red tape who think ticks in boxes is what it is all about and who never stop to think those ticks are people is from the far right.

The loony left talk the talk but do not take even a first step to walk the walk.

Yes, Prime Minister Boris you can count on us and we are counting on you.

We are campaigning to save the planet and have weapons you can use.

We have already embarrassed Milton Keynes Cowboy Council to turn
down its lights. Boris we need you to get them to switch them off.

We have McDonald's in our line of sight !

Where is the mentality in introducing pathetic paper straws when they fit into cups where the tops are made of plastic ?

Ticks in boxes again ?  This time ticks to make a failing corporation look better.

We will be urging customers of McDonalds to refuse their silly paper straws and tell them to keep their plastic cup tops. Neither are needed to drink from a cup !

We are starting to tour some of the landmarks in Milton Keynes. Last week we went to The Peartree Bridge Dinosaur and had a conversation with a couple of teenagers we met.

This planet of ours needs saving for them and their children.

Here's a date for your diary - SATURDAY 14th SEPTEMBER - Milton Keynes Irish Centre 8am to
11am. There will be a stall at the car boot sale giving things away in return for love.....Love for Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter and its coming season loving our homeless and rough-sleeping friends.

The Mayor is coming. We will be issuing an invitation to every single elected council member to get off their backsides and join us. Let's see how many can be bothered. Let's see how much love they
have for the homeless and rough- sleeping friends in this city.

People are attacking our new prime minister because he is not perfect. NO HE IS NOT but he is passionate and loves both this country and we people who live in it.

Here's a picture of another three people who are not perfect - far from. You know what ?  We are not ashamed of being imperfect, of the failures in our lives. As with Prime Minister Johnson it is the failures and mistakes that give the passion and the love to help others.

Both Josh and I are writers. I am working on my latest book, currently scribbling around three thousand words a day.

Josh has been writing his autobiography since January 2018 !  He will write a few thousand words then misplace the papers. Last week I went to the pound shop and got him a notebook to write in.

When we were at Abbey Road my incredible friends got me a notebook to scribble my writing in. They spent £25 !

How can I scribble anything into a book that is so precious ?

I told them I would keep it, save it until I came up with a use which would reflect their love.

Yesterday we met up at McDonald's to plan our ADVENTURES for the coming week. YES, Josh did tell McDonald's he did not want their paper straw and
plastic cup top ! As we sat looking at the videos played above a McDonald's employee pretended to be wiping the tables as he watched the laptop with us.

The notebook is in the style of The Beatles White Album.

Sitting in McDonald's I came up with the perfect use for this loving gift. We are going to make it our AUTOGRAPH BOOK.

Everyone who comes on an ADVENTURE with us, everyone whose path we cross as COMMUNITY ACTIVISTS will be invited to sign our autograph book.

Will you sign it ?

One last picture.

This was taken at Bletchley Railway Station as we set off for our adventure in London.





Thank you London Northwestern Railway THANK YOU.

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