Monday 22 June 2020

Hnaging On The Old Barbed Wire

MONDAY 22nd JUNE 2020:
So Dominic Johnson, or is it Borris Cummings, is to make an announcement cutting social distancing to one metre. EXCUSE ME - we are not a part of the EU any longer so take note you TERRIBLE TWINS we measure in yards feet and inches !  OK YOU GOT THAT !

No announcement makes any difference, people are not observing social distancing. All the positive good stuff has gone. Back to normal, back to normal with people still losing their lives every day.

Government policy ?  Obviously reduce the death rate to a point where the economy is more important that lives.  Put up with the death rate until a vaccine can be found and then it's all over !

I am reminded of a World War Ono song:
If you want to find the General, I know where he is,
I know where he is, I know where he is.
If you want to find the General, I know where he is,
He's pinning another medal on his chest.
I saw him, I saw him, pinning another medal on his chest,
I saw him, pinning another medal on his chest.
If you want to find the Colonel, I know where he is,
I know where he is, I know where he is.
If you want to find the Colonel, I know where he is,
He's sitting in comfort stuffing his bloody gut.
I saw him, I saw him, sitting in comfort stuffing his bloody gut,
I saw him, sitting in comfort stuffing his bloody gut.
If you want to find the Sergeant, I know where he is,
I know where he is, I know where he is.
If you want to find the Sergeant, I know where he is,
He's drinking all the Company rum.
I saw him, I saw him, drinking all the Company rum,
I saw him, drinking all the Company rum.
If you want to find the Private, I know where he is,
I know where he is, I know where he is.
If you want to find the Private, I know where he is,
He's hanging on the old barbed wire.
I saw him, I saw him, hanging on the old barbed wire,
I saw him, hanging on the old barbed wire.

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