Friday 19 June 2020

There'll Always Be An England - Will there ?

FRIDAY 19th JUNE 2020
I have just returned from the radio studio. Yesterday afternoon I ripped up the playlist for my scheduled show Pick Of The Pops. Instead I played two hours of music as a tribute to Dame Vera Lynn who left us yesterday aged 103 years of age.

Just before we went into lock down I had broadcast a show to celebrate this musical legend's birthday. I said if we were to get through the pandemic we needed a spirit similar to Vera Lynn and her music to get through some difficult times.

Recent editions of my blog have been hard on our government, hard but realistic. Yesterday I was impressed as Matt Hancock spoke at the Downing Street briefing. There was a passion in his voice, something we have seen sadly lacking in our political leaders.

ANOTHER 135 deaths yesterday bringing the total to a staggering and heartbreaking 42,288 !

Social distancing appears now to be optional. Watching Boris Johnson with the leader of France on TV yesterday social distancing was most certainly optional.

I see our Pavement Buddies returning. Shops are open. Soon pubs, cafes and all the rest will be working. But the pandemic is far, far from closed. 

In my writing I have been critical of our prime minister and government. I think I need to be critical of society in general. As I listen now to the podcast of my radio show I can feel the united spirit of World War II, I can not feel a united spirit anywhere from top to bottom in the current war.

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