Sunday 2 August 2020

Beauty And The Geek

Sunday 2nd August 2020 - Jewel In The Crown
That was supposed to be the title of Sunday's page. I sat in the sunshine in the park of The National Trust at Stowe near Buckingham. I wrote over the day what I hope was a beautiful account of my time in The National Trust's JEWEL IN THE CROWN.

I talked about the trees, the calm sir, the birds singing and the butterflies dancing. In these horrible times compounded by our shambolic, failing government writing the page lifted my spirits so much.  I hoped that it would help my readers.

Sitting in Stowe Landscape Gardens there obviously was no internet but I carefully put the page together ready to publish it when I got home. I have worked like this before with Google Blogger BUT the geeks have changed things haven't they ?  The new "improved" Google Blogger has just been rolled out.  Within it there is obviously something which deletes the text if the auto save can not function as there is no internet.

It tell you that there is more beauty in just one of the butterflies at Stow yesterday than there is in all of the sad Google Geeks put together.

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