Saturday 22 August 2020

What If I Become A Millionaire ?

I am working to publish my THREE books on Monday 14th September but there may be a problem. WHAT IF I BECOME A MILLIONAIRE ?

MILTON DREAMS THE CITY THAT NEVER WAS is now completed, the text checked and rechecked.  Total of 65,690 words. I have just purchased as the domain name to promote the book. I am am hoping it will perhaps sell ten thousand copies.

I will be republishing Not The Concrete Cows on the same day. I have now completed the typing of the text which comes to 45,429 words. All I have to do is now to read it through and eliminate the typo's.

A third book from the pen of Max Robinson on 14th September will be my Pip Diamond story - GETTING TO KNOW MY GRANDDAD. So far 45,500 words written there. Another 10,000 to finish my tale.

What if one or more become best sellers ?  What if I become a millionaire ? I have added a chapter to MILTON DREAMS THE  SITUATION THAT NEVER WAS explaining how I plan to cope.

What If:

What if this book Milton Dreams The City That Never Was becomes a best seller ?

Not the Concrete Cows sold, I think, five thousand copies. I am secretly hoping this sequel will sell ten thousand copies. That could be a bit ambitious as a target. With a population of around a quarter of a million in Milton Keynes I would need one in twenty-five residents, from the nursery to the care homes, to buy copies. That is not going to happen !

But I so much want our dream to come true, I so much want to write another book, Milton Keynes the City That Truly Is. I am planning to publish that in 1st April 2046 by which time I will be ninety-six years of age !  It would suit my purpose if I could write it ahead of that date !
Usually I write for fun and for my own enjoyment, I do not care how many people part with their hard-earned money to read my scribble. This book, however, is different and I will be very working hard to promote sales.

Yes, of course, I will earn royalties for every copy of Milton Dreams sold but that is not what it is all about. How can you put a price on a dream ?

As an Amazon writer I am automatically entered every month into a bonus scheme where the twenty-five best selling UK authors each month receive $1,000,000 – that is £763,485 !  Presumably, an author who is in the best sellers list in any given month was also a best seller the month before and will be the month after. Winning one million dollars is not going to bejust  a monthly one off.

If my income were to suddenly leap from where it is right now each month to more than three quarters of a million pounds what would I do ?  How would I cope ?

Simple, I would give most of the money away. I would give it to good causes within Milton Keynes that are close to my heart. That would mean supporting the most vulnerable and down in their luck people within Milton Keynes.

In the chapter Iconic Music I have a number of the icons who have given me autographed bits and pieces. These will be put into a silent on-line auction to benefit a Milton Keynes charity. Throughout the period of the auction royalties from every copy of Milton Dreams will also be given to that good cause.

I love people and have a passion to support all who need supporting but what is the point of caring for people while we are all working like crazy to destroy the planet we ALL live on ? The word ALL includes ALL life forms. Why should mankind be allowed to destroy the home of ALL other species ? I would certainly want to throw the financial success of my book and any book I write behind biodiversity and green issues.

If I ever do become an Amazon millionaire please do not expect to find me alongside James Bond buying a new car from a certain Newport Pagnell car maker. However, you will find me bidding to take over certain Central Milton Keynes architectural eyesores then dynamiting them to the ground !  Dynamiting them to the ground before planting trees in their place.

Love That Dare Not Speak Its Name

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