Monday 3 January 2022



I have come up with an idea for an e-book on AMAZON - A DISCO FOR TREES Supporting The National Trust and its ambition to plant twenty million tress by the year 2030. ALL royalties from downloads will be used to fund more saplings.

Here's what I have written so far (STILL IN DRAFT FORM) see what you think.

David aka Max Robinson writer aka The Geriatric DJ

Trees are the finger prints of nature – no two are exactly alike. I am Max Robinson the writer but right now I am putting on my headphones to be The Geriatric DJ. Sit down and enjoy some music with me as I celebrate The National Trust’s ambition to plant TWENTY MILLION tress by the year 2030.

 Keep this page open on your laptop, tablet or phone but also open YouTube. Open YouTube and very carefully type this into the search: HORST JANKOWSKI – A WALK IN THE BLACK FOREST.

A fantastic piece of music which I am dedicating to every tree, every person who has donated to plant a tree and to every member of staff and volunteer right across the National Trust who right now are planting those saplings.

The National Trust was founded on 12 January 1895 by Octavia Hill, Sir Robert Hunter and Hardwicke Rawnsley. Over the last 125 years we've grown to become Europe's largest conservation charity, caring for historic properties and areas of beautiful countryside for everyone, for ever.

Back to YouTube, this time the search for you to type in is: Jimmy Rodgers – English Country Garden

The National Trust at Stowe near Buckingham refers to itself as: Gardening on a grand scale ! Indeed it is, if anything that is a bit of an understatement. The Trust owns almost six hundred and twenty thousand acres, that’s nine hundred and seventy square miles of land, seven hundred and eighty miles of coast, more than two hundred historic houses, forty-one castles and chapels, forty-seven industrial monuments and mills, the sites of factories and mines, nine lighthouses, fifty-six villages, thirty-nine public houses and  twenty-five medieval barns.

WOW !  I think we had better play that song again. Take it away Jimmy Rogers. The YouTube search: Jimmy Rodgers – English Country Garden

Nine lighthouses !  Until I started to put this playlist together I never realised The National Trust owned even one lighthouse, have a bit of difficulty planting a tree on a lighthouse but let’s play this for all nine lighthouses.

YouTube search, type in these words: Pete’s Dragon – Candle on the Water

That was beautiful wasn’t it.

Yes, Trees are the finger prints of nature – no two are exactly alike. Trees are also the history book of nature – if only they could speak what tales would they tell ? Listen now to this and then I will tell you something from one particular tree’s history book.

YouTube: Hooked on Classics 3 – Journey Through America


There is a beech tree on The National Trust’s Ashridge Estate near Berkhamsted where the US states of: Texas, Tennessee, Virginia, North Carolina, Michigan, New York, Illinois and South Dakota carved into the bark by American troops, It also includes the date 4th May 1945, the V for victory with three dots and a dash, Morse Code for V.

Are you a member of The National Trust ? Yours Truly, The Geriatric DJ, has been a member for nearly forty members. Do you know how many members does The National Trust have ? Have a guess. While you think and make your guess here is a silly bit of music.

YouTube search: Wiggly Woo

OK, so how many people belong to The National Trust ? What did you guess ?  the answer is almost six million ! SIX MILLION ! Did you guess that number ?

How many worms live within The National Trust’s nine hundred and seventy square miles of land ?  How many butterflies flutter across that vast area of land.

YouTube search: Danyel Gerard Butterfly English Version

The National Trust has this wonderful ambition to plant twenty million trees by the year 2020. Trees are the lungs of the Earth. With global warming and climate change our planet is choking; trees, trees and more trees are needed. I wonder how many trees there are right now within the estates of The National Trust, many more than twenty million I am sure. Britain has the lowest population per square mile of trees anywhere in Europe. As you dance you way though this disco please support the ambition of The National Trust.

YouTube search: Under the Spreading Chestnut Tree

Global warming and biodiversity are two sides of the same coin. The National Trust does more than any other organisation in the country to love, care for and protect wild life. Even so species after species are becoming extinct with a long list of the  endangered waiting to add their names. Planting trees with The National Trust not only deals with the global warming side of the coin but also the biodiversity side.

In 1999 the first red kites were released at The National Trust Harewood House north of Leeds The first successful breeding took place the following year. Today Red Kites are a common sight in our skies.

Do you know the piece of music El Condor Passa ?  It comes from Peru and translated broadly means when the Condor Bird passes overhead everyone stops to watch. How about when the Red Kite flies overhead everyone stops to watch ?  This next track comes from my own YouTube channel.

YouTube: The Red Kites of Windmill Hill

Since their were first introduced at The National Trust Harewood House there are now more Red Kites than can be counted. I wonder how many Owls live in The National Trust.

YouTube: Owl Song for Kids | Animal Songs for Children | The Kidboomers


Did you know that Beatle John Lennon’s childhood home in Liverpool is part of The National Trust ? And did you know that Paul McCartney’s home is also part of The National Trust ? I guess we had better have a Beatles track hadn’t we ?  Let’s have a Beatles Birdie song.

YouTube: Blackbird (Remastered 2009)


Time for The Birdie Song. Originally released by The Tweets here it is played by Black Lace.

YouTube: Black Lace – Birdie Song


In the early days of the Eurovision Song Contest, 1959 for this track, Pearl Carr and Teddy Johnson had a great hit with this song.

YouTube: Pearl Carr And Teddy Johnson – Sing Little Birdie (1959)


There's a bird on a branch
There's a branch on a tree
There's a tree in the meadow
And that's where I long to be

'Neath that bird on a branch
'Neath that branch on a tree
'Neath that tree in the meadow
Where you said you love me

Sing, little birdie, sing your song
Sing, you'll help our love along
Sing, little birdie up above
Sing a song of love

Within The National Trust I wonder how many birdies there are on how many branches on how many trees singing their songs.

Support The National Trust, plant some more trees so more little birdies can sing.

Now here’s a song for a very special bird.

YouTube: T.Rex – Ride A White Swan 1970


Legend will tell you that all swans belong to Her Majesty The Queen. A bit of a legend, in fact they do have Her protection. What a beautiful bird the swan is. How many live in The National Trust estate ?

YouTube: Tchaikovsky – Swan lake (Swan Theme)


Did you know that the swan is the emblem of the county of Buckinghamshire ? I was going to here give you a list of all the National Trust properties within the county but have decided not to !  Instead you can check them out for yourself as you enjoy this next track.

YouTube: The Ugly Duckling/Danny Kaye


You are listening here within this Amazon e-book to The Geriatric DJ bringing you a disco for the trees, music I hope will inspire you to sponsor a tree within The National Trust’s ambition to plant twenty million trees by the year 2030. Yes, I am The Geriatric DJ and I hope you are enjoying the music I have chosen here for our National Trust disco, I am also Max Robinson the writer.

Thank you for splashing out the vast sum of 99p to download this e-book from Amazon. The royalties from your kindness will put 30p into my pocket. I am going to see how many thirty pence’s I can collect in my pocket. If I can collect seventeen that will pay for a tree to be planted. Seventeen downloads of this e-book equals one tree in The National Trust.

Do the maths:

17 downloads = 1 tree

170 downloads = 10 trees

1,700 downloads = 100 trees

17,000 downloads = 1,000 trees

170,000 downloads = 10,000 trees

1,700,00 downloads – 100,000 tress

Tell your friend, invite them to our disco and turn my pocket into a tree nursery for the National Trust.

Another birdie song:

YouTube: On the Wings Of A Dove – Daniel O’Donnel – With lyrics

Well that's about 20% of the playlist. When it is finished will you download the e-book and help The Nat ional Trust plant trees ?

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