Sunday 4 September 2022

My Ka In A Brave New World

 My Ka In A Brave New World

Do you know what the word KA means ?

Yes it is a once popular make of car – spelt C-A-R but the Ford Motor Company within its marketing strategy failed to explain its meaning. The meaning of KA - K-A.

KA is a word from Ancient Egypt which means SPIRIT.  Each and every one of us has within our existence such a spirit which is part of our waking life. When the body is asleep the Ka does not slumber but moves to partake in adventures on the astral plane. These adventures we know of as dreams. If we are placed into an artificial deep sleep, as in a medical operation, the Ka again moves to take up temporary residence on the astral plane. When a person dies their body ends its life but not so the Ka which moves to take up permanent residence on the astral plane.

So now you know what a Ka is.

Dennis Wheatley, famed for his books The Devil Rides Out and To The Devil a Daughter also wrote a gripping tale the Ka of Giffard Hillary.

Have you checked out my Write-In where I am doing my little bit using my books to support children who are sick in Milton Keynes Hospital, o send love to their families and thank our NHS staff who are caring for them ?  CHECK IT OUT.

My book THE HANGMN’S GRANDSON, which actually is my 120th book on my Amazon Bookshelf, began the Write-In. I am now about to begin work on MY KA IN A BRAVE NEW WORLD.

This is an idea I have had for a little while. Here’s the introduction:

Where am I ?  My mind asked itself the obvious question but with no clues to help it with the enquiry it added a second subject on which to ponder: When am I ?

Time and place were not enabling comprehension so within this enigmatic apparent dream a third thought suggested itself, perhaps its resolution would bring the three elements into a single place and shine a light into their darkness. But there was no darkness, not a physical darkness anyway. That third area of consideration for my thinking was: Who am I ?

“We are so pleased you are able to join us.”

We ? Us ? Plural but the stranger welcoming me was alone. Who was her ? Another question seeking an answer.

Where was I ?  When was I ?  Who was I ?

“We are so pleased you are able to join us.”

I used my mind’s  question around which to respond to the welcome. “I am pleased to be here,” I lied, “but  where exactly am I ?”

“It is more of a case of when rather than where.”

We have recently experienced the highest temperatures ever in England. Across the world there have been wild fires and flooding. CLIMATE CHANGE. How long has our planet left to live ?

I grew up in the Cold War when it was not a case of if there is World War Three and nuclear

annihilation but when will it happen ? I shed a tear when the Berlin Wall came down and regarded Mikhail Gorbachev who recently died as a hero of humanity. I wonder what his Ka is doing right now. We may have been spared nuclear annihilation in the Cold War but what Vladimir Putin is doing here and now is far from cold, will he press the atomic button ?

Actually we are in World War Three already. It is not a traditional war with traditional weapons but one where technology is destroying the mentality of the human race.

So with the extinction of our planet an assured event when will that happen in the future and how will it come about ?

In this story MY KA IN A BRAVE NEW WORLD the central character’s spirit, I am writing in the first person, is invited into the post apolitical world to help it tiny population understand what happened and decide if there is any way to undo the folly of history.

It took me twenty-three days to write 
THE HANGMN’S GRANDSON. Let’s see how long this new Write-In project will take.

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