Sunday 19 March 2023

MK Today - Monday 20th March 2022


Every day of every week of every month of every year I am guilty of attempted murder. Every day of every week of every month of every year YOU are guilty of attempted murder.

Within Milton Keynes The City Of Legend there is a chapter where I tell about a day tutorial I attended at our Open University where a professor tried to teach representatives from different areas of society how to send electronic mail. NOT ONE OF MANAGED TO DO SO. The world wide web came into being in 1990, this session would have been shortly after. Wow, thirty-three years ago. How the world has changes, how society has changed !  For the better ?

Did you know that the postal service came into existence in 1516 when King Henry VIII knighted the First Master of the Posts Brian Tuke.

That was a bit before the Penny Black ! 1st May 1840 this was the world’s first adhesivestamp.

Have you come across a stamp yet with King Charles III head on it ?  How many future monarchs will have their image on a postal stamp ? Possibly none.

Every day of every week of every month of every year I am guilty of attempted murder. Every day of every week of every month of every year YOU are guilty of attempted murder.

How many letters using stamps did you send yesterday ? How many e-mails did you send ? Every e-mail is an attempt at murder, murdering the Royal Mail. Every e-mail is trying to make Postman Pat redundant.

Need I say any more ?  Need an attempted murderer say anything to a fellow attempted murderer !

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