Tuesday 14 March 2023

MK Today - Wednesday 15th March 2023

Leon – The School of Legend.

It’s coming up to Comic Relief or perhaps better called RED NOSE DAY.

Leon – The School of Legend. When it comes to Red Nose Day Leon was in on the ground floor – or should that be up in the sky ? How many of you know this legend ?

Leonite students were on the ground but it was the helicopter up in the air that took the photograph.

I was very busy working in my office when Headmaster Abbott walked in. The following day our first school visit to Sutter Junior High School in Sacramento California was happening and I was busy making final arrangements.

“A newspaper had chartered a helicopter,” Abbott explained. “Tomorrow is Red Nose Day and I want you to take your entire year group out onto the field, stand them in lines to spell red nose and then the helicopter will fly over and take pictures.”

What ! What was Red Nose Day ?  This was the first such event and I had never heard about it.

“I’m really, really busy can’t you get another year group to do it.”

“No, it’s your job now make it happen.”

Trying to line three hundred teenagers on the school playing field to spell RED   NOSE   DAY was mission impossible. I didn’t have a clue how to begin. The Leonites thought I had lost my mind and were not over keen to co-operate. Headmaster Abbott was bellowing orders through his megaphone. Chaos ! Chaos but we did manage to make it happen.

The sound of the approaching helicopter suddenly made it happen and the photograph of RED NOSE LEON SCHOOL hit the newspaper’s front page.

So when you see Red Nose Day, perhaps these days better known as Comic Relief, remember that Leon School added this to its portfolio of legend. The full report can be found in Milton Keynes TheCity Of Legend and the chapter Leon School The School Of Legend.

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