Saturday 8 April 2017

Birthday Number One Hits

It's The Geriatric DJ here reminding you that Life is a DISCO so get up and DANCE.......

On YouTube I have been building a collection of all the number one singles on the days of my birthday.  Can I here share just some of them with you.

Frank Sinatra was at number one on the day I was born. As a tiny child my dad used to sing this song to me.

This was number one the year I became a teenager.  It has become something of a classic and for one football club their anthem.

Another song which has become a classic. 1967, a very important year in my life. Earlier in the year I had left school and entered the real world. My schololboy days were not happy ones, now I had escaped.

1978, the most important year in my life. I was married in the September with this at number one on my birthday in November.

35 years old now and this was my number one birthday hit.  The CITY in the song is San Francisco - a crazy but absolutely fun place.  I've not been there for years and years.  Time I went back.

My Dad told me that I would hate my 40th birthday as it marked the start of growing old. Actually the day passed without event and I have no memories of it. This is another song that has become a classic and was at number one on the day.

48 years old now and Cher was at number one.  When I was younger, much younger, my Mum did not like me listening to Sony and Cher, she said they were far to scruffy. She had no musical tastes back then and today still does not.

This is as far as I have got with my birthday collection - 1999 and my 49th birthday - getting old but not quite there yet.  I'll finish my collection soon.  Look out for it on YouTube

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