Monday 3 April 2017

My Time Machine

I have now been working for two weeks telling the story of my two years working in a giant Birmingham City Centre Department Store. - The Story Of A Teenage Entrepreneur (FAILED)   It has been like riding in a time machine. When I start to write this old man is transported back to his youth.

That is what I looked like back then. The hair hasn't changed, a bit thinner at the front but not grey yet and still in the same style.

It was my brother who suggested I set up a facebook page so I could join a group run by former staff members from Lewis's.  I am not of the right generation for social media and a previous attempt at facebook near drove me crazy. Still I gave it a go.

Mr Z I love that facebook thingy of yours !

So many of my former students at Leon School have become my friends, the daily messages are so lovely. 

A word to them all - you just wait until tomorrow's blog !  I've something special for you all.

But back to Lewis's and Birmingham.

Two weeks ago I brainstormed my memories and then started to work through them to make an ego trip back to my youth. Wonderful times. Why is it that we have to grow up ? 

Grow old even ? 

I have loved writing, it has been a hobby all my life. These days I write and publish my works on Amazon as e-book downloads. I'm feeling good this morning, 20 downloads yesterday !  What ever am I going to spend all those royalties on !

In my teenage autobiography I have reached January 1968. The staff manager for the store has decided to move me from the department where I was working and pissing off my sales manager to a different department. Today I will start working on my memories of 1968. I have a lot to tell.

If I am to be honest as a piece of writing  The Story Of A Teenage Entrepreneur (FAILED)      is a load of old rubbish but that does not matter, does not matter at all.

If you have nothing better to do with your time and decide to read what I have said in the story you will find my style a bit unique. You may like it or you may not like it, does not matter. What does matter is my trying, through telling my story, to get my readers to tell THEIR story.

If you are reading this blog page can I invite you to pick up a pen and use it, as I have been doing, as a time machine. Travel back to a different time in your life and tell your own story.

Tomorrow I plan to post on the facebook Lewis's page and try to persuade my friends there to do just that.

Tomorrow, like I said, I will have something special for my former students and facebook friends from Leon School.

My YouTube Channel yesterday reached 160 pieces of music.  One friend posted something about a picture put on facebook from Leon Disco commenting on Musical Youth. Yeh, we used to play Musical Youth in the disco so I added this.

I will leave it there for today, a brief blog I know.  I will be away from the laptop all day, today but will be back tomorrow.

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