Friday 1 September 2017

What has The Wave Of Love washed up today ?

The Wave Of Love washed up another £30 for THE FROG CHALLENGE yesterday.

The original target was £100, this new gift takes us to £190 and the event is not happening for another FOUR WEEKS. Surely we can get to £300 by the time the event is over and done. Would £400 or even £500 be too ambitious a target ?

All of the events run by OurRebekah are to support Ronald McDonald Houses as they care for families who have a child sick in hospital.  Families like Thomas's.

Thomas was born extremely prematurely at the Princess Royal Hospital in Hayward Heath at only 23 weeks and four days, weighing 1lb 6oz. Within hours he was stabilised and transferred to the intensive care Trevor Mann Baby Unit at the Royal Sussex County Hospital. We were told
that babies born that early had an 11% survival rate nationally, and we were prepared to treasure every moment we had with him.
Thomas fought through several serious infections, surgery to close the open duct in his heart, and many setbacks with his breathing. Near his due date Thomas was still needing a high level of breathing support and transferred to the High Dependency Unit at the Royal Alexandra Children's Hospital next door.
We stayed in the Ronald McDonald House Brighton. The staff made us feel so welcome and the facilities really made it feel like a home from home. It was such a relief to know that we could stay so near Thomas when he was fragile. Dan and I were so grateful just to have some private space to be together and start to deal with how premature Thomas was. It would have taken us an hour each day, plus cost of fuel and car parking. It also meant we could sleep better knowing we could be with Thomas in minutes if needed.
While we were at the House, we also got to know other families and made some lifelong friends. The kitchen facilities also meant we could cook and cater for ourselves and not live completely on Subway!
Over the months, Thomas grew bigger and stronger. The next tough thing to take was learning he'd developed ROP (Retinopathy of Prematurity) stage 5 in both eyes, meaning he'd become completely blind as a result of being so premature.
But Thomas continued with his journey and as he grew bigger he turned a corner and went just onto oxygen. After 364 days in hospital he was well enough to go home!
Thank you Ronald McDonald House Charities for keeping our family close.
My FROG CHALLENGE will be over and done with on Saturday 30th September. Hopefully my fear of these creatures will have evaporated. 
What happens then ?
Frogs are not my only fear. Acrophobia, feat of heights, is something I have had for just as long.  I do not kind flying in an aircraft but beyond that being more than half a dozen steps up a letter or beyond about the fourth floor in a building is something I would prefer to avoid.
My fear of heights became evident at about the same time as my fear of frogs.
My father had taken me to see Saint Paul's Cathedral in London. He told me how he had once climbed right to the very top, to the cross way, way up above the ground. I wanted to do the same but when we reached the whispering gallery I began screaming and announcing I hated high places, It has been the same ever since.
So I need to come up with a challenge to deal with that. A challenge to take over when my phobia of frogs has been cured.
 NO, I am not going to abseil down the Northampton Lighthouse, aka the old Express Lifts tower.
NO, I am not going to wing walk on a Boeing 747, EVEN WITH THE AIRCRAFT ON THE GROUND !
I need to come up with come up with something rather more sensible yet still a challenge.
I have an idea to make this a double challenge.  How about I challenge YOU to come up with a challenge for me.
Before I close today's entry I have to share something else that was on yesterday's wave of love.
I had an e-mail from the CEO of Milton Keynes Council thanking me for thanking her for helping OurRebekah.
Do you think I should write back to thank her for thanking me for thanking her for her kindness ?
Speak again tomorrow.

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