Saturday 31 March 2018

This will be our last blog

We have to announce that this will be the last music blog published by Radio Love International.

We will NOT be going live as a radio station as planned on Monday 14th May 2018.

Later this morning our website will be taken off-line.

Radio Minus One has served a writ in the high court preventing our operation developing. We can not argue with
the judge. He said that if we played another note we may like to start a prison radio station.

To make matters worse the
manufactures of Hartley's Jam have objected to our use of the words SPREAD THE LOVE.

So before we click the mouse and publish this final blog, before Radio Love International falls silent for ever we have just one thing to say, our epitaf for today, the day the music died..................

Let's rock.....

Robert sing this for Hartley's Jam will you. Thanks................

Samuel sing this song please for all who actually listen to Radio Minus One....................

That's a bit of a dull, miserable song so we suggest you don't bother listening to more than a few bars ! That is unless you are a Radio Minus One fan.

Radio Minus One prepare to meet your doom. There will be no tears shed at your passing.

Did you know that Ken Dodd's song TEARS kicked The Beatles off the number one spot on the charts ?

Radio One you destroyed the pop music charts so make sure you are ready for Radio Love International to kick you off your place in today's music.

Freddie, is it true that you and Ken Dodd once recorded together ?

Oh no not that song !

You did then Freddie ?

It was an April Fool but go on play it.

Next week David and Josh will be working hard on our schedule ready for broadcasting to begin. They plan to take a break from work and watch a video of THE BOAT THAT ROCKED.

The spirit of fun the Dj's on Radio Rock is what we are
looking for here at Radio Love International, we will not be including their adult humour but we will be including their SPIRIT OF FUN.

David insists that the music we play, no matter what genre it is, has fun, spirit and a BEAT.

The two discussed a banned list of music. 

Did you know boring old Radio One (MINUS ONE) once banned this song ?

AND they banned this !

But they did not ban this...................

Radio Minus One - obviously not clever enough to know what the song is all about !

Radio Love International's chairman Rachel posted this on facebook yesterday.

Let's have a look and see what we have pencilled in for our Saturday evening broadcast schedule.

Ah yes, at eight o'clock we will be playing songs from the shows.

Music like this............

And this........................

WOW - doesn't Marti Webb have an incredible voice ?

The late night spot on Radio Love International's schedule, running up to midnight, will be Cruising The Classics.

Here's a quick sample.

This next song is something which we would perhaps play in
our early morning schedule.

This will be in the 3am spot.

Working on the website yesterday, getting ready for Radio Love International to start broadcasting on Monday 14th May we produced this page - CLICK HERE. It's a bit matter of fact but tells the story of how Radio Love International came from
nowhere on Friday 19th January 2018 to today Sunday 1st April 2018.

Forty-three days to go, forty-three days to live broadcasting, seven weeks tomorrow. Here's another page for you on our website - CLICK HERE

This is in the playlist for the first hour of our twenty-four hour launch day marathon.

That song runs for three and a half minutes which is typical
for a song. Tomorrow when David and Josh plan the schedule they will need to put 18 songs into each hour. Multiply by 24 and we will need 432 to get through the day.

Every hour we will be inviting friends to come into the studio and enjoy the music with us. Invitations will start to be sent out towards the end of
next week.

Yesterday Josh was working on jingles we will use between the songs we play.

Last week David played this song on the blog. You may have wondered why ? It's a catchy little tune but how could it fit into a play list ?

David wants to turn it into a jingle and that is no April Fool !

Monday 1st April 2019 - April Fools Day next year - what should we do in the studio that day ?

You will have to wait and see. He he.............

Monday - that's request day isn't it ?

Wonder what songs people will request on Monday April Fools Day next year.

Before then MONDAY 2nd April - TOMORROW - is Monday Request Day so send us your requests either via Facebook or using the CONTACT US page on the website.

Almost mouse time ?

Mouse ?  What mouse ?

Not that kind of mouse you APRIL FOOL.

Oh you mean this mouse...............


What was that ?

Just a little April Fool.



Happy April Fool's Day Radio Minus One...............

Friday 30 March 2018

Now that is what I call a game of football !


What a result !

Sheffield Wednesday 4

Preston 1


That is what I call a result ! That is what I call a game of football.

Next Saturday, one week today, a team from Radio Love International will be heading up the motorway to the iconic Hillsborough Stadium to play some music outside the club shop to support Sheffield Wednesday's Community Programme.

So come on boys can we have a similar result on Saturday
7th April against Fulham.

Before we talk about that let's check out those four goals from yesterday and play some music for the scorers.

Not one but TWO goals from Atdhe Nuhiu.  Atdhe come from Kosovo, David
has fond memories of a visit he made to Pristina in Kosovo but that was before Atdhe was born !

Not one but two goals !  The first scored in 50th minute and another 2 minutes into added time.

So what can we play for this great player ?  This was the number one hit on the day Atdhe was born.

Perhaps the club should change the music played when the team enters the pitch, change it to this - Entry Of The Gladiators.  There were certainly gladiators on the pitch at Hillsborough yesterday.

A second piece of music for Atdhe Nuhiu,

It was gladiator Lucas João who banged the ball in the net for Wednesday's second goal in the 52nd minute.

Most of the music we play on our daily music blog, much of the music we will be playing when we go live as a radio station on 14th May is retro pop. Here's a classic retro pop number The Duke of Earl played now for Lucas João The Duke of Hillsborough.

Meet Fernando Forestieri who banged the ball into the net in the final seconds of the game to turn the expected Wednesday 3 - 1 victory into a spectacular 4 - 1 victory.

There must have been some tears in the city of Preston last night. No tears in the Steel City and no tears in Fernando's home country of Argentina.

Hey SkyBet what odds will you give for Sheffield Wednesday being promoted to the Premier League next season ?  Work it out will you and next Saturday we will pop a fiver on it.  Then when we win we will give the money to Sheffield Wednesday's Community Programme.  Seriously, work out the odds and we will bring
the fiver.

There is more to a football team than two goal posts and a bit of grass between them.

How many times have you heard our music blog editor, David, say that ?  We think the stadium director at Hillsborough may need to buy a new away goal net as the
current one is getting worn out !

No, seriously Sheffield Wednesday Football Club is far more than the pitch and the stadium, it is much more than the players, the manager and those spectacular goals from yesterday. It is more than the crowd who must have danced home SINGING
THE BLUES yesterday.

Next Saturday we will be playing music outside the club shop and rattling buckets for the community programme. We will be playing fun, bouncy music to put the fans in the right mood for another victory.

Here is Josh looking over an empty area at the back of the stadium which next Saturday will be the packed location for our music and a whole lot more the club has planned.

A quick word to all fans who are coming to Hillsborough next Saturday - our buckets are ready so have your coins ready. Coins scratch the buckets so try to have notes ready !

So what music will we play ?

It's got to have a thumping beat................

A bit like that.

Did you know that Black Lace recorded a version of Hi Ho Silver Lining ?  Not as good as the original Jeff Beck version.

However, nobody but nobody can sing that song as do the fans of Sheffield Wednesday Football Club.

When we have finished writing today's music blog we will be clicking the mouse to buy lots of balloons in Wednesday colours. When people throw coins into our buckets we will give them a balloon. We want the fans to blow them up and throw them into the air when Hi Ho Sheffield Wednesday is played.

We also have tubs of sweets we plan to hand out as thank you gifts for your generosity.

Have a look at this video. When it comes to the I PLAY MATCH oF THE DAY bit is the very brief clip Sheffield Wednesday ?

When we pack our music away next Saturday, when the coins in the buckets have been counted and given to the club, the next time we will be getting it out in public with more music will be Saturday 21st April in San Francisco.

We are having a hippie party in Golden Gate Park. We will be taking a Sheffield Wednesday Away Shirt to give to Ronald McDonald House in The City By The Bay. On that day Wednesday will be at home to Reading.  Another victory please boys.

Yes, David IS going to wear some flowers in his hair in San Francisco but he promises not to wear any at Hillsborough next Saturday !

He has been growing it for months ready for the music. Back in England he will be having it cut off as part of a sponsored haircut for Jo's Hope.

Our friends on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean have difficulty with football, they will insist on calling it soccer. Never mind...................

We will SING THE BLUES in San Francisco - we will take a photograph of our team wearing Sheffield Wednesday Scarfs on Golden Gate Bridge. There are four of us heading to California for this event. We will then give two of the scarfs to Ronald McDonald House in San Francisco and two to Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham England.

Music in San Francisco is a bit gentle isn't it.  Perhaps we should play this version of Singing The Blues.

But it will be this version next Saturday. SEE YOU ALL THERE.

Thursday 29 March 2018

We have a guest D J today........

Welcome to the first day of Easter......

Look who we have joining us to spin the music discs today.

WELCOME to the music blog page for this Easter Friday, welcome to all our listeners.

Let's have some fun.

So Mr Easter Bunny what are you going to play for us ?

That was a bit retro !

Thought Radio Love International was a retro pop music station.

OK we stand corrected Mr Easter Bunny.

Easter isn't only about we bunnies you know, must not forget the chicks so I thought I would play this...........

Where are you digging these songs up from Mr Easter Bunny ?

OK let's try something different....

At three o'clock here in England our friends at Sheffield Wednesday kick off against Preston.

So how about I play this for the boys ?

Just a minute - where did we find this bonkers guest DJ ?

Easter Bunny, football is NOT played using a rubber ball !

David who is Sheffield Wednesday's top goal scorer this season ?

Gary Hooper.

What kind of music does Gary like ?

Don't have a clue.

Mr Easter Bunny put this on your turntable and play it for Gary.

OK Sir...................

Come over here and let me whisper, I don't want Easter Bunny to hear what I am about to say.

This picture shows me with mega DJ, Dave Tee - have a look at his website CLICK HERE....

Dave was showing me pics on his phone of some gigs he has played. My gob was truly smacked. He played music for this guy. Mr Bunny spin Darth Vader's theme.

Here's another DJ, radio presenter from MKFM - Greg. He interviewed David last week live on the station.

CLICK HERE and listen to the interview.

You liked his style of presentation didn't you David ?

Yes, he was relaxed and informal yet completely in control of the microphone.

A bit like me you mean ?

No quite Easter Bunny.

OH - what music should I play for him ?

This guy listens to Radio Love International, he has been behind Dave Tee's decks and recorded a video for one of his hits just down the road from MKFM's studio.  Most of the people who will listen to the music on today's music blog will be wired for sound so take it away Mr Easter Bunny.

FRIDAY - that means it's Mama Jo's Caribbean Kitchen run by our very own Jo in support of the homeless. Have you placed your order ?

If not - why not ?

What music should we play for Jo and Mama Jo's Kitchen ?

There's only one song we can play Mr Easter Bunny - this....

Jo do you limbo ?

Mr Easter Bunny you can shut you noise or next week rabbit stew will be on the menu !

How many days to go before Radio Love International starts broadcasting ?


This is Radio Love International's Chairman Rachel here now.

Josh, are you going to give Mr Easter Bunny a job ?

No comment Rach !

Ah go on don't be mean.

Well we could do with someone to make the coffee and serve the cake.

Cake ?

Yeh, you know that delicious chocolate cake you make !

Chocolate cake ?  I  personally prefer carrot cake !

If Josh did give you a job this could be your theme tune....

I am not going to give him a job Rach..............

Remember this picture Rachel ?

Yeh, the very first roadshow in Asda - that was before you came up with the idea for Radio Love David.

Yeh, was just playing music back then. It was even before The Wave of Love Blog. This was the first song we played on that first blog and it will be the first track we play when Radio Love International goes live.

It was you Rachel who came up with the words which are now central to everything we say. SPREAD THE LOVE.....

We are planning another roadshow in Asda Supermarket on Saturday 19th May to celebrate our on-line launch. This week I will be contacting a number of good causes inviting them to join us.

One will be the Food Bank. Let's build a tower of tins during the roadshow. Could we get one thousand customers to add
a tin to the mountain ?

Let's feature Willen Hospice's Family Fun Day. We'll be playing the music there and providing the PA system.

Red Bull F1 have been kind to us so let's feature their chosen charity - Wings For Life.

I think that the way to present a radio show is to have a playlist of likely songs ready then to wing your way through them, not to have a script which you have to follow. I think
that life is better when you wing it.

I agree.... I use my ears as wings when I fly.

I suppose this talk of wings means we should play something by wings. What have you got ?

What about this ?

I have never met Paul McCartney but I did once meet Wing's manager Brian.

You never David ?

Oh Yes Mr Easter Bunny. It was forty years ago but I sat in Paul McCartney's chair as I chatted to Brian.

You sat your bottom on Paul McCartney's office chair ?


So you have a famous bottom ?

Oh SHUT UP and play some more music. Play this.

MARCH OF THE MODS   How many people listening to today's music know what a MOD was.  If you do tell us. CLICK HERE

This piece of music is THE BEATNIK FLY by Johnny And The Hurricanes. Who knows what a Beatnik is ?

And here's a bit more pop trivia for you. Why did John, Paul, George and Ringo call their group BEATLES when the word is properly spelt BEETLES - anyone know ?

So do you want me to play something by The Beatles ?

Only if you play something a bit silly. After all Rabbits are silly aren't they ?

Hey Mr Easter Bunny, are you by any chance related to Buggs ?

He is my older brother.

If you like things silly how about that video David made a while back.

McDonald's do not know yet, I have not told them, but they will be donating one hundred meal vouchers for a FREE tombola we will be playing at the roadshow on 19th May.

Rabbits are vegetarians David, does McDonald's serve carrot burgers ?

How many pieces of music have you played so far Mr Easter
Bunny ?


That's not enough, we always have at least twenty songs on the daily blog.

Really ?  Let me play The Birdie Song for The Easter Chick.

That's RUDE !

Let him play it Josh !


A song for each team member of Radio Love International. Josh - my boss - this is for you THE ETERNAL TEENAGER...

David The Geriatric DJ this next song is for you. Can I also play it please for my Granddad, The Geriatric Rabbit......

Here we go..........

And for Jo, the lady with the big smile and even bigger heart....

Tecccyyyyman I know this is your favourite song .........

Am I doing Ok ?

You are getting better Mr Easter Bunny.


I'll play Weather Man Andy's theme now shall I.

Here's a lovely picture of Chairman Rachel's  granddaughter in the studio of MKFM when her dad, Ben, was being interviewed about his nomination in the Milton Keynes Inspirational Awards.

What shall we play for Nanny then ?

Don't you even think about it Easter Bunny !

Too late the disc is running.

JOSH SACK HIM..............

Actually I thought that was quite funny.

Thank you Boss.  Let me play this now for Ben, Rachel's son.

The words of that song lead so beautifully into the last song I am going to play. The Radio Love International Anthem.

SO this is The Easter Bunny signing off and saying two things....

Thank you for having me on today's music page.  I hope you liked my choice of music.