Tuesday 20 March 2018

If music be the food of love play on....

If music be the food of love play on.......

Who knows where that quotation comes from ?

It comes from William Shakespeare's play Twelfth Night.  Did you know that ?

Don't know about 12th night but we had a bit of fun with the music last night didn't we ?

Everything kicked off when David played two versions of HANDS UP on Facebook and asked friends to say which was their favourite.  The original version by Ottawan -

And this by Black Lace -

The Black Lace version came out on top with likes from Paul Foster, Rachel Martin Tofield and Debbie Cerrone 

David then played his favourite track from Boney M and asked friends which song from this 1980's group they liked best.  This is David's choice......

Quite a bit of a response.............

RASPUTIN came out on top with Steve Chapman and Cheryl Books going for that iconic song. Debbie Cerrone opted for Mary's Boychild.

Let's play Rasputin...............

Boney M was a great group wasn't it ? What do you think of the guy's posing pouches ?  LADIES ONLY ANSWER PLEASE !

Next song, David asked people what they thought of Showaddywaddy, the group from the 1970's who reprised
hits from the 1950's.  Do you remember the TV police drama HEARTBEAT from the 1990's ?Showaddywaddy and Heartbeat did a lot to keep those hits from so  many years ago rocking all the way to modern times.

Anyway this is David's favourite Showaddywaddy number.

Rachel and Debbie agreed with David while William Black's favourite is YOU GOT WHAT IT TAKES.....

Cheryl's vote went to Under The Moon Of Love.......

David then changed the style of music asking people for their opinion on this guy. 

Do you recognise him ?

His body mass index is probably similar to David's although his hair is just a shade longer - MEATLOAF.

This is David's favourite Meatloaf number.

Cheryl agreed with David.  Stuart Rouse opted for Midnight At The Lost And Found....

Dianne Walsh voted for Two Out Of Three Aint Bad....

Stuart Rouse said to appreciate Meat Loaf you really need to see the stage show.

Nobody voted for Bat Out Of Hell.  We have that on vinyl !

Wonder what Radio Love International's new resident rock
star Tony Hill thinks of Meat Loaf.  Tony when we meet up later you can tell us.

Have you heard any of Tony's music ?  CLICK HERE and check the rockstar out.

All being well you will hear a lot of Tony on Radio Love International. When we start broadcasting live later in the year we hope there will be a weekly programme TONY'S ROCK HOUR.

OK, back to the artistes David featured yesterday evening - Freddie Mercury and Queen. David opted for The Great Pretender.

Paul Meader commented: These are the days of our lives . His last filmed performance. He died 6 months later. The song is about someone looking back on their life.......

When Buddy Holly, The Big Bopper and Ritchie Valens were
killed in the plane crash this became known as THE NIGHT THE MUSIC DIED.  Surely the same could be said the day the world lost Freddie Mercury.

Chris Watts agrees with Paul and says this is his choice.

Gary Marling, a great Queen fan added:  Keep yourself alive, my first experience in 1973..massive part of my life ever since. There's so many with the obvious one too from 1975 being played by radio Luxemburg on a radio hidden under my pillow every night for about 18 months..lol ..Bohemian Rhapsody sealed the love forever more x

Radio Love International has an original copy of  Bohemian Rhapsody in perfect condition and in its original EMI cover. It's worth about FIVE GRAND.  Let's play it now.

Are you enjoying the music ?

David is a bit of a Manfred Mann fan, this is his favourite......

The first response we received last night was WHO THE HECK IS MANFRED MANN ? Then things livened up with Cheryl and Steve Chapman who listens to Radio Love International in California opted for Blinded  By The Light.

Lisa said she saw Manfred Mann at The Stables. WOW !  Hey everyone did you know our resident rockstar Tony Hill has played The Stables.

David next played his all time favourite record.  David loves music from a wide genre from ballet to rock and roll, from retro pop to opera and classics but ever since his student days was back in the 1970's this has always been his favourite.

We were inundated with responses, so many people telling us their favourite song it is impossible to play them all here. However, tell us now your favourite AND why you put it at the top of your personal hit parade and we will play it for you over the next few days.

The last song David played was Cliff and this............

Cliff only brought in one response, Paul Foster said his favourite is Living Doll.

Josh has that song in the Radio Love International playlist. Yesterday he was working on the playlist for Sunday's Leonite Reunion party.

Wonder if he has this song in his playlist. If he has will he be playing it for David or for Cliff Richard !

Well that was a bit of fun wasn't it ?  Do you approve Mr Shakespeare ?


We are publishing today's blog quite early. Andy has not yet filed his weather report, we will add it to the page later. Yesterday Andy gave us this to add - a bit of fun..............

Hey Andy that was fun. Here's a bit of WEATHER music for you.

Mouse clicking time.............

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