Monday 19 March 2018

Let's Make Music

Let's MAKE music - lots and lots and lots of music.

Please note the word is MAKE and not play.

Today we have a lot of music to share and a lot of exciting news to tell you all about.  It's just coming up to 4am, David is sitting at his laptop rattling the keys so let's have a nice piece of music to start the day.

Yesterday's audience figures were down a bit. We still can not figure out how we hit two thousand listeners a week ago.
What will happen today ?

We have to play a VERY important piece of music. Editing yesterday's music blog we failed to include a request. How embarrassing. Maggie is a great friend and listener. With apologies Maggie here it is.

Maggie gave so many gifts of love to our recent music
tombola at Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham, so many she made herself.


Yesterday's music blog was all about promoting the blood donor service, the blood donor service in every country
where we have friends listening to the music we play.

David gave his pint of blood yesterday. While he was having the mandatory soft drink and biscuit after donating one of the volunteers thought he recognised David. He thought he was a presenter of classical music on our friend's station CRMK. David praised the work of Radio CRMK then explained all about Radio Love International.

Weatherman Andy has asked us to play this saying:  I know it’s to late for request Monday but one of my favourite albums which my Dad used to play on a regular basis which got me hooked on it is The Blood Donor by Tony Hancock & every time I go to give blood I always have that playing in my head when I’m lying on the bed, “A pint ? That’s a whole arm full”

No Andy, we'll not wait until next Monday, here it is for you now.

Radio Love International goes live as an internet broadcaster on Monday 14th May, that's in fifty-five days time. We plan to start broadcasting with back-to-back playlists Josh will put
together. Then, once we have everything working properly, we will introduce live shows and build up to a full programme by the end of the year.

The next step for us will be to MAKE music as well as play it. We believe that the music industry today is failing musicians and not giving them the opportunities from past decades.

There have to be modern-day Beatles, Manfred Man, Status Quo and many others who today's music industry is ignoring.

We have met a musician who is a potential Rock Star, who we believe has the talent to rock the world. Meet Tony Hill.

Listen to this.............

We are going to listen to quite a bit of Tony's music today but right now let's talk FOOTBALL.

TWO fantastic and supportive e-mails from Sheffield Wednesday Football Club yesterday, both in response to David and Josh's visit to Hillsborough last Friday.

One from the club's Director of Communications, Trevor and
one from the club's Community Programme's Isobel.
We do have a few little bits and pieces to confirm with the club but on Saturday 7th April Radio Love International will be the music presenter at Hillsborough as the club trials a new Family Zone. If we do a good job we will be the music presenter at every home game during the 2018/2019 season.

We have set up a page within our website, CLICK HERE, to
share this mega special event. We need THREE more people to make up the Radio Love International team at Hillsborough.  Would you like to join us ?

Let's have some more music from Tony Hill.

Tomorrow Tony, David and Josh are going to sit down and chat so watch this space, we will report on our discussions on Thursday's edition of our music blog.

Tony and his music is known by our friend and producer Frank Scarito.  Yesterday Frank shared with us something he had produced. It's not Christmas, it's mid-March but never mind, this is really beautiful.

There really is so much talent out there. As we develop our radio station we have a duty to support people like Frank, people like Tony and people like Dale May. We make no apology, no apology at all for playing yet again his incredible video. PLEASE WATCH AND PLEASE SHARE.......

Let's have some more music from Tony.

In order to promote music makers like Tony we have to very quickly take Radio Love International to as wide an
audience as possible. 

Our technical wizzz is working on the system we will need to start broadcasting on 14th May.

We could, if we have to, tidy up David's garage and make that a temporary studio from which to work. However, just look at the mess in his garage !  How many hours of work do you think that will take ?

AH !

An alternative would be to find a room within a Milton Keynes business and operate from there on a temporary basis until we have established ourselves.

This is our dream................

Then by November 2020 we will be the world's biggest radio station. FACT !

Tony, some more music please.

This guy is good isn't he ?  Why isn't he a world-famous rock star ?

At the moment the directors of Radio Love International are dipping into their own pockets to fund our station's set up.

Rachel, Josh, David and Jo face two big bills before we can begin broadcasting.

We have to buy our broadcasting licence. That is not an issue in that we have been told we will be granted a
licence. However, we have to pay for it - about £200.  We also need to  buy the broadcast software costing another couple of hundred pounds.

Once we are established, broadcasting and successful we will have sponsors and advertisers lining up to throw money at us but right now that is not going to happen.

Chairman of Radio Love International Rachel is organising for us to go along to one or two, perhaps three even, car boot sales selling small items of bric-a-brac to raise the money.

The first will be te week after we have been to Hillsborough.  Do you have any SMALL items you do not want, items we can sell to buy our broadcasting licence and the software we need ?

More music please Tony.................

Our next Radio Love International Roadshow is happening on Sunday - the LEONITE REUNION.

Leonites Paul Foster and Adam Greenwood posted a video on David's Facebook timeline. THERE HE IS.  David confesses he does not remember the video which appears to be filmed as he drives around the school with a presenter and cameraman from Central Television. Perhaps some of his former students can remind him at the Leon School reunion on Sunday.

David promises he will wear his 1970's flare trousers and if you ask him VERY NICELY he may even put on his retro stacked heel shoes.

And with that we had better have one more piece of music from Rock Star Tony Hill.  CLICK HERE and check out Tony's website.

5.38am - time for us to check the content of today's page and remove the typo's.

5.44am - found 8 typo's.  If we have left any behind well.....we like to imclude a few misstakes for those who take deight in finding them. TWO, we mean THREE, above in this paragraph for you.

Two more bits of music.

Radio Love International is setting out to ROCK THE WORLD.  When we play the music at Bletchley Youth Centre's 50th anniversary we will be standing right where Status Quo once played.

And one final piece - this is what Radio Love International is all about.

Time to click the mouse and publish today's edition.

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