Sunday 4 March 2018

It's Monday Request Day again

Isn't it FANTASTIC to be alive ?

Monday 5th March 2018 - flippin' heck don't the days roll by ?

It's MONDAY again so that means it is MONDAY REQUEST DAY.

We have stacks of requests to play but first a couple of songs to play for us all.

Here's something from Saturday's roadshow in Asda Supermarket.

And this is something Listener Freddie put together for us.

This is a request made by Debbie Cerrone.....

Hope you liked that Debbie.

Justine in Asda requested this to be played for BIG BAD BEN.

This is for a great friend and listener Dianne Walsh.

This is for Cheryl R Brooks.

David here.................

I love all kinds of music, that is a known fact.  I really liked that song Cheryl requested. I like country music but do not know much about it.

When Radio Love International starts broadcasting regular shows I want us to quickly find a presenter to do a country music spot and to teach me all about this gentle and lovely form of music.

So who next do we have a request for.

CHUCKLES asking for this to be played for........................... CHUCKLES..................

PLEASE tell us what you think about the music we play

Loved listening to D I V O R C E reminds me of being little mum used to play it in her car driving down to Bletchley hahaha

Hi folks thank you so much for yesterday what a fab day I am eating crumpets and find myself laughing at the word crumpet after David Ashford’s antics lol who can say they hang out with school teacher who likes a red bra lol have a good day fill it with love

We left a request clipboard out and about at the ASDA ROADSHOW for people to make requests for today's music blog. There are FIVE request from Rachel ?

Are they ALL from our Rachel ?

Let's play them..................



They are quite nice songs. What do you think ?

PLEASE tell us what you think about the music we play


Two more requests from Rachel, both by Kane Brown.

PLEASE tell us what you think about the music we play


Yesterday was a good day for listeners.

Don't know about those who listen to our music but for those of us running Radio Love International we are rather looking forward to the day we start live broadcasting.

Before that can happen we do need a few things in place.

1. We need to get our listener figures up to 1,000 a day.
2. We need a base from which to work.
3. We need a licence from PRS/PPL.

Let's play another request then we can chat about these three things.

This was requested by AMANDA.............

Increasing our listener figures should not be hard.

People like the music we play.

However, at the moment we are appealing mainly to the 18 to 35 age bracket with them listening via mobile devices.

We need to find more people both in this younger age bracket AND to widen the portfolio to include those who are older.

Another request..............

This is for Justine who asked for anything by The Pet Shop Boys.

In time we will need a vast studio and office complex but right now our need is simple.

We are looking for a small room, a glorified cupboard would do, in which to store our equipment, broadcast from and use as an office base. The space need only to be large enough for a desk, a couple of chairs and room for two people to work.

Electricity we need of course and access to the Internet is essential. A nearby toilet is kind of essential.

It would help if we had 24 access to the room but if not available we could work round this.

So, does your business – shop – office – social club – workshop have somewhere we could use as our initial base ?

Rent free would be good, not essential but good.

In return for such kindness we would make you our number  one  valued sponsor  for EVER !  Your banner and link to your website would appear on our website and blog. 

Could you help in this most important way ?  Please have a chat with Rachel, our Chairman. 

That was played for birthday boy Michael Barrett who celebrated his 70th birthday

Do you recognise him ?

Let's play a request for Paula Smyth who has asked for this song to help Michael celebrate.

When the music plays no doubt everyone will recognise and remember Michael.

Let's play it.......................

At the moment all of our costs are being met out of the directors' pockets. We have no cash income although people are being very generous to us with support in other ways. 

We have been given bits and pieces of equipment to use and we have a vinyl record collection which is second to none.

David is planning to fund the cost of our broadcast licence. This costs £219 + VAT = £262.80.  David does not have an issue with this and has budgeted to pay for the licence on Tuesday 8th May 2918 with live broadcasting starting on Monday 14th May 2018.

We are looking for sponsorship, financial sponsorship, to fund all we plan to do. There are running costs and we believe that everyone who works with us should be paid properly and
respectfully for what they do.

If you are interested in being a sponsor of Radio Love International then please  CLICK HERE and use the CONTACT PAGE on our website.

MONDAY is now REQUEST DAY on our music blog.  We hope you have enjoyed the music played here today.

Before we close we want to play one final song, not a request but a DEDICATION.

Listener Steve Chapman from California sent us a request to help raise awareness of prostrate cancer.

On Saturday we were in Asda raising awareness within Jo's Hope to support cancer patients.  David wore a bra and fooled about as people donated money to support ladies who has been through surgery to have a breast removed.

Everyone thought that David in a bra was funny.

David said to Jo, who heads up Jo's Hope, that as a man he did not really know what it must be like for a woman to suffer from breast cancer.

But David knows more, however limited his knowledge, about breast cancer than he
does about prostrate cancer.

That is the same for every man in the world who does not have personal knowledge of the disease.

The location of the cancer in a man is so intimate and so personal that the male species tends to ignore prostrate cancer and believes it will never happen to them.

David may have fooled about in a bra in front of hundreds of people on Saturday but what could have have done in a similar way to raise awareness of prostrate cancer ?

This killer cancer is not going to go away so we have published this at the end of today's fun music blog to do a little bit to help raise awareness of PROSTRATE CANCER.

The dedication, the last piece of music today is an ANTHEM FOR RADIO LOVE INTERNATIONAL.  Please listen, the music and the words are central to our mission and include every good cause we currently support and all those we want to support as Radio Love International Develops to become if not the biggest radio station in the world then certainly the most loving.

PLEASE tell us what you think about the music we play

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