Monday 8 April 2019

David's Haircut

There I was the ONLY hippie in Golden Gate Park San Francisco. Right at the heart of the 1967 Summer of Love and YES I did have flowers in my hair. April 2018, people looked on and wondered who the weird old man was !

Oh yes I most certainly do remember the Summer Of Love, it is not a myth from history !  I was sixteen years old at the time, I had just
left school and was working in a large Birmingham City Centre department store, Lewis's Limited as part of a management training scheme.

News of what was happening in San Francisco reached Birmingham and also reached the buyers at Lewis's who tried, and failed, to capitalise on what was happening but Birmingham England was not destined to be at the heart of the hippie movement.

As we approached The City By The Bay, at the end of an eleven hour flight, staff came round with sweets - we were all given a packet of LOVE HEARTS.

I had been carefully growing my hair for the visit to San Francisco. Four of us were taking part in a sponsored walk across The Golden Gate Bridge for Ronald McDonald House.then on my return to England I was going to take part in a sponsored haircut.

That sponsored haircut was part of Sunshine Smile Day 2018. It was a great day and personally the haircut was great fun.

I have not had my haircut since that day, Saturday 19th May 2018, it is possibly longer today than it was a year again.

I have been carefully growing it to once again be a hippie.

Sunshine Smile Day 2019 will feature my second sponsored haircut.

Our music has recently adopted ALFIE who lives in the amazing Curly Tails Pig Rescue Centre. The proceeds from 2019's Sponsored Haircut will go to Alfie and his friends.

Will you sponsor my haircut and sponsor Alfie ?  CLICK HERE.

I have not been to San Francisco this year ahead of my sponsored haircut, quite simply there has not been time.

The music of San Francisco and that Summer of Love has, however, been a regular feature on my radio shows.

As the time to Sunshine Smile Day and my second sponsored haircut gets ever closer I am sure I will be playing more and more hippie music on the radio.

So will you sponsor my haircut ?

Will you show some love to Alfie and his friends at Curly Tails Pig Rescue.

CLICK HERE and help sharpen the scissors.

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