Monday 15 April 2019

Leon Rules OK !

If you were to come and work here would you help run the school disco ?

An odd thing for a headmaster to ask while interviewing a prospective junior teacher.

I wanted to join Leon School so I agreed.

Headmaster Mr Bradshaw kept me to my word.

That interview was in November 1976 for me to join the school in January. What was the number one hit at the start of the Spring Term 1976 ?  Let's have a look.

It was this !  OMG it was this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Perhaps the most recognised and loved piece of classical retro pop music - LEGENDARY.

Appropriate as I want to speak today about a legendary school.

Yes, I did get involved to help the headmaster run his Tuesday evening lower school discos.

This was number 9 in the chart at the start of term 1975.

A very clear memory I have from those disco days is Headmaster Bradshaw at the end of the evening. The moment the lights went on he would grab the broom and start sweeping up.  How many headmasters - oopppsss be politically correct (SOD THAT !) headteachers would lower themselves to become a cleaner ?

At number 24 in the chart it was this.

There was a history teacher at Leon School - Miss Garner, quite a formidable lady !  In October 1978 she became Mrs Ashford.  When Headmaster Bradshaw announced our engagement in a staff meeting the room erupted with cheers.

This was number one on the day of our wedding.

Sitting in the church at our wedding were a number of pupils from Leon School - some of those pupils will be coming to SMILE DISCO and have tracks requested on tomorrow's show.

Headmaster Bradshaw decided he wanted to take the disco to a new level, we would have a lunchtime disco and I was to be in charge.

Leon Disco was a legend in its own time. CLICK HERE to read a previous blog post exploring the legend of Leon Disco.

That young teacher from Leon School is now The Geriatric DJ on the world's number one internet radio station.

Tomorrow 6am to 9am www, Leon Disco will be playing music to the world.

The opening track for the show is indeed Ottawan with DISCO but this is the second track WE will play.

I will have the LEONITE who requested the track in the studio with me. 44 LEONITES have requested tracks and
dedications. We will be playing something for Sir John Leon, you will be listening won't you John.

We will be remembering when a certain pop group played at Leon.

So you LEONITES make sure you listen in: 6am to 9am The PODCAST will be available round
about 10am.

We will be playing something for Headmaster Bruce Abbott seen here at a BBQ he held in his home.

I wonder how many pf you will smile at the track !

Most schools ran holidays for their pupils but at Leon we did not mess - we went to California.

AND we went to Egypt.

So there will be a track for our time in California.

Here's a couple of pictures from Leon School in Egypt.

LEONITE Sam is now Headmaster of The Cairo International School - Sam we have something for you in the playlist.

We LEONITES took on the world.

Today LEONITES are still taking on the world. NEVER a day goes by without my speaking with a Leonite.

Forty-four tracks to play as requests for LEONITES on tomorrow's show. There will be a LEONITE with me in the studio to help me share some memories.

Then I have a meeting with LEONITES Rachel and Lisa to talk about a Leon Disco Reunion - SMILE DISCO.

SMILE DISCO is happening on Sunday 19th May - 7.30pm to 10.30pm at Milton Keynes Irish Centre.

You will be there won't you. BE THERE OR BE SQUARE.

Another request sent in for tomorrow's show.

A couple of pics of Leon on Malibu Beach.

Here we are about to fly down The Grand Canyon.

Leon ruled ! It still does rule.... well LEONITES DO....

Here we are in Italy and below at one of our SILLY FUN SWIMMING GALA AFTERNOONS.

Who remembers when I threw Nicky Bianco into the swimming pool ?

Today that would probably have landed me up in gaol. When the news reached Headmaster Bruce Abbott his reaction was: I WISH I HAD DONE IT !

So make sure you tune in tomorrow - 6am to 9am then come to SMILE DISCO


Never forget that life is a DISCO - SO DANCE !

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