Sunday 5 December 2021

Wouldn’t it be sad if every city had a council like Milton Keynes !

Wouldn’t it be sad if every city had a council like Milton Keynes

The good – The bad – And the ugly.

CELEBRATE the good – RECYCLE the bad and make it good – PAINT the ugly and make it beautiful.

It is going to take a very big recycling plant to mend the failure of elected members on Milton Keynes Council. A fleet of tankers will be required to hold all the paint to beautify the folly of Milton Keynes Council.

PLEASE read this case. PLEASE share it. PLEASE help to recycle and to paint this failure as a matter of urgency.

At 11.50am on Friday 3rd December 2021 I sent the following e-mail to Milton Keynes Councillor Middleton. I copied this e-mail in to every single member of Milton Keynes Council. As of 8am on Monday 6th December 2021 I have not received a single reply.

Dear Councillor Middleton

I would refer to a recent media report where you say you want contractors to be environmentally conscious. (pasted below) I have to say, given the activities of Milton Keynes Council, I find that somewhat hypocritical.

Central Milton Keynes has a giant carbon footprint and appalling lacking in biodiversity. Such is down to the planning policy of Milton Keynes Council.

When the Milton Keynes Development Corporation was planning our new city a fundamental foundation stone was: NO BUILDING SHALL BE TALLER THAN THE SURROUNDING TREES. Milton Keynes Council trashed that idea and trashes it with every new planning application and construction.

Across Milton Keynes there are twenty-two million trees and shrub bushes. How many are there in Central Milton Keynes ?  How many per square acre compared to the borough overall. Milton Keynes is not particularly biodiverse but biodiversity is a word outside the lexicon of

Central Milton Keynes. Central Milton Keynes where the council’s planners have given the town what is probably the most hideous skyline of any town or city in England. An architectural folly Milton Keynes Council continues to peruse with a vengeance.

Part of Central Milton Keynes high carbon footprint includes a building which Milton Keynes Council allowed to destroy the fundamental ley-line about which Milton Keynes Development Corporation wrote its strategic plan.

While what you are calling for is right and proper if it stands alone it is both hypocritical alongside the folly of Milton Keynes Council as well as being ridiculously too little hideously too late !

Wouldn’t it be sad if every city had a council like Milton Keynes !

Here is the media report my e-mail refers to:

Milton Keynes Council is on the hunt for 'green experts' to help reduce carbon emissions.

Earlier this year, MK Council agreed to look for new contactors to ensure all of its buildings are maintained to high sustainably standards to help it become carbon neutral by 2030 and carbon negative by 2050.

The Council is looking to begin the process of finding contractors to help achieve its climate action goals while delivering value for money for local people. 

A council decision to approve the process is set for 7th December, with contactors appointed from July 2022 as soon as the existing contract ends.

Cabinet Member for Resources, Cllr Rob Middleton said: “We regularly review our

contracts to ensure we’re getting the best deal for our residents.  We want all of our contractors to be environmentally conscious with sustainability at the forefront of everything they do. 

"This helps us provide a better service to local residents, keep bills down and tackle climate change.”

Wouldn’t it be sad if every city had a council like Milton Keynes !

We are not talking here of pot holes in the road, we are not talking of missed bin collections WE ARE TALKING OF THE MOST IMPORTANT ISSUE FACING MANKIND AT THIS TIME. Sadly, within its three ring political circus not one, NO NOT ONE, member of Milton Keynes Council thought my e-mail merited a reply.

Additional irony is the fact that Milton Keynes Council thinks it is green. It is not green when it comes to saving our planet but perhaps it I s green where the word can be used to mean ignorance.

Wouldn’t it be sad if every city had a council like Milton Keynes !

What do you think ? What is your opinion ? Please share such with as many people as you can. Let us together take this BAD and recycle it into GOOD. Let us together pain the UGLY and make it beautiful. Let us end the Lord Lucan Fan Club at the centre of Milton Keynes Council and it s three ring political circuys then return our home to the Red Balloon advert of Milton Keynes Development Corporation.


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