Thursday 31 March 2022

Dave's Daily Diary - Wednesday 30th March 2022

In 2020 at the start of lock down I began a diary which I called Escape From Armageddon. In 2021 I wrote a diary page every single day which I turned into a time capsule for people to be read in the year 2121. Now in 2022 I began with a daily diary which I called Life Is A Novel So Start Writing. By sharing my writing and what was happening around me I hoped to inspire other people to write but it was not really working. I am changing the style now to make it DAVID’S DAILY DIARY. Let’s try sharing the first page on Google (Failing) Blogger !


2.26am We live in a rubbish world where technology and the nasty people behind it every day seek to destroy individuality and turn us all into mindless zombies. We live in a world where politics daily vomits over its rotting society but before politicians puke their vile it is collected by the media with its twenty-four hour rolling news, collected in one giant bucket then thrown over us all to help speed the rot !

Have I caught your attention ? If I have ponder the above paragraph and decide if I am speaking the truth. If I am read on. If not then destroy this diary and burry yourself in the technological, political and media excrement it will produce today.

3.49am Having been ill all day yesterday and unable to sleep I got up at stupid o’clock and came to my laptop to write my photo diary entry for our visit to Canons Ashby National Trust on Monday. Having been attacked by the evil technology of Microsoft and its semi-intelligence refusing to properly format my photographs in the text I have just sworn violently at the screen and am going back to bed.

5.54am Doggie Jake wanted to get up for the toilet and to have his breakfast. I will finish my National Trust entry then sort some breakfast for myself.

Microsoft, wouldn’t that be a better name for a brand of toilet paper rather than a crappy computer operating system ? Microsoft, we deal with more crap every day than any other system.

Finishing my National Trust diary entry I have written 1,459 words and shared 16 photographs. I will go and get dressed now then share this on Google Blogger. Condemning technology Google Blogger is a perfect example. I first started using it in December 2016 when my entries never fell short of one hundred readers, sometimes the number exceeded one thousand. Sharing the beauty of Canons Ashby on my previous visit I achieved 18 views which for this now failing platform is above normal. I wonder how many hits this entry will achieve.

8.14am Breakfast done and finished. I have started writing a bit for the chapter IN SEARCH OF THE HOLY GRAIL within my whodunit book but am going to break off now and sort out today’s postings from my Amazon Bookshelf in the faint hope that I may sell something !

Promo e-books:

THE EVACUEE – published on 13th August 2021 77p I have been a member of The National Trust for more than forty years. It is the parklands and gardens I like, not particularly the houses. When my son suggested I should visit Coleton Fishacre near Kingswear in Devon I had mixed feelings. I am a great fan of Gilbert and Sullivan, what I call giggle-opera so with the property’s connection to the D’Oyly Carte Family I visited in May 2021. I immediately fell in love with the place, not only the rather unusual gardens but also the warmth and friendliness of the home. Walking round the property I knew I would have to set a story there. Standing on the lawn in front of the house I came up with a title: THE EVACUEE. I had the title but I did not have the plot ! I have also done something a bit different at the end of the story. Instead of just signing off with THE END I have picked out some significant characters, events and lifted them out of the fiction of my story to explain to my readers their real lives and situations. Is this a good story ? That is up to you to decide so read on.

Promo Paperback:

NOT THE CONCRETE COWS – Published 20th September 2020 £3.99 This is a collection of newspaper articles I wrote in the early 1990’s and originally published in 1994. It is a kaleidoscope through the then adolescent new city of Milton Keynes. It has now become a bit of a history book and something I would hope everyone in Milton Keynes may like to read.

9.40am 1,292 words written to complete IN SEARCH OF THE HOLY GRAIL in my current book writing project. A bit short but I will go back later and pad it out a bit.

Five people have read my blog on Google so far.

What next  in my day ?

12.40pm I am having a productive day.

I have sent a lengthy text to Milton Keynes Citizen newspaper which I hope it can use to write an article on knife crime. I have headed this STAB CITY.

Blogger still stands at only 5 readers !  Damn technology.

I am going to take a bit of a break from the laptop.

1.50pm I have finished the VOO THE DOLL chapter in my whodunit RICHARD HEADINGTON PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR adding 517 words. Time now to stop, I have a doctor’s appointment in an hour.

3.40pm: Back from the doctor. What a wonderful doctor I saw. I am suffering from clinical depression but I know the NHS is going to love me out of this.

The Milton Keynes Citizen has grabbed hold of my submission. WOW.

I am going to sign off for the day so….

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