Sunday 27 March 2022

Escape From Armageddon -, DAY ONE 27th March 2020

When the pandemic first became a society-changing issue I started to write a diary recording my feelings. In 2021 and I am now in 2022, I wrote a poage every day. In 2020 I wrote just one hundred entries under the heading of ESCAPE FROM ARMAGEDDON - THE FIRST ONE HUNDRED DAYS. I wrote those diary entries to out in a time capsule which I intended would be opened in one hundred yars time. However, opening it now just two years later this is page one.

27th March 2020 – Day One

How are you coping in this present situation ?  How many days is it since Britain went into the present lock down ? You know I am not sure: two, three, four days ? Are you coping ? I am not sure if I am.


I have gone from working 12+ hours a day to doing nothing. Last night I slept for eleven hours, when was the last time I slept for that long ?  Probably when I was a small baby.


I am a councillor but the council has closed down. I am chairman of the local police community forum but the police as too busy with operations to be concerned with meetings.  All of my community projects have closed. Music is at the centre of my life but now the radio studio is closed for the duration so The Geriatric DJ is on a sabbatical.  All I have left is my writing, writing to help maintain my sanity.


I boast that I am not a wimp so David aka The Geriatric DJ aka Max Robinson stop being a wimp ! Stop feeling sorry for yourself !  It was in December 2016 that I first started writing a blog, this is my 999th edition. Originally my intention was to collect something like 100 editions then publish it as The Diary Of A Silly Old Man. That never happened. Perhaps when we come out of this global crisis I may publish my current blog writing under the title ESCAPE FROM ARMAGEDDON. Perhaps. The important thing is that by writing a page each day it will help preserve my sanity. Perhaps as I publish it each day s a blog it will help others to preserve their sanity. It may even inspire some to write their own blogs.




The UK death toll now stands at 578, it went up from 475 yesterday. Within that number is the first person to die in prison. He was an 84 year old. For goodness sake what is an 84 year old doing in prison ?  OK, his identity has not been released so he could be a major criminal serving an extended sentence or could he be someone who has popped in and out of gaol all his life. Of all the broken systems in pre-virus society the justice system with a 85% re-offending rate this has to be the biggest failure.


Our Saturday lunch for the homeless rough-sleepers has been forced to close I keep wondering about my friends: Richard, Barry and so many others who had nothing more than a sleeping bag on the floor for their homes. Where are they now ?  How are they coping ?  Milton Keynes Council could not help them in normal times so what chance do they have  in this situation ?  The more vulnerable you were the less help was available. The council's homeless prevention team should be re-named homeless encouragement and adult social care renamed adult social couldn't care less.


We used to live in a society where FAILURE was the norm.  I trust we do not return to that when this is all over, wouldn't it be great if society adopted the motto FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION. 


I don't do religion, god and all that stuff, but I do believe in Destiny, I have had Madam Destiny tap me on my shoulder so many times in my life. Several of my books feature destiny steering the reader through the plot. What do you think ?  Has Destiny put Boris Johnson in charge of our nation ?  Isn't he doing a great job ?  Just imagine where we would be if Jeremy Corbyn had won last November's general election or that gobby cow who was the shortlived leader of the Liberal Democratic Party !  Rishi Sunak, isn't he doing a good job ?  He was only thrown into the job a few weeks ago, Did you know he is an Amazon Author ?  Yes, he is.


He is in good company, I am an Amazon Author. I have fifteen titles currently available.  I write for pleasure, not to make money although before this crisis I was trying hard to promote my books in order to fund our projects working with vulnerable people. Promoting my books is also on hold for the duration of the crisis. That said I sold 17 yesterday, my best day this year was 19th March with 124. 


Primarily I write for personal pleasure, if someone reads what I have written then that is a bonus, if they enjoy what I have written then that is a double bonus. I have been writing since I was a teenager. In recent years there has been a motive within my writing, to encourage others to write. If what I write could inspire one person to write then that would be a bigger achievement than selling one thousand of my own books.


During World War One so many soldiers serving in the trenches wrote diaries and poems. You rereading this 999th edition of my blog, could I invite you to write a diary or blog and share how you are coping in this global pandemic, something the like of which the world has never before experienced ?  World War One ended one hundred and two years ago yet those writings from the trenches are still read today. Go on, start writing today. I am looking to my writing to help preserve my sanity and who knows, what I have written here and what you write today may be read in one hundred and two years time as history tries to imagine what we are all living through. 

Ahead of those one hundred entries I put these words together as an introduction.


I am not expecting anyone to read this book. Well not in this millennium anyway. If mankind does survive perhaps far into the future the text may be discovered and become an academic study for scientists, historians and sociologists to understand what I and my fellow human beings have been going through in the Corona Virus Pandemic sweeping the world.


Day by day I have expressed how I have been feeling. I have attacked the prime minister, journalists and the government but that was how I was feeling on any day of writing. I am not going to go back and edit the text, to calm down my ranting and raving, to do so would give a false account. I think that history within the next hundred or so years  will agree with me but it is history in a thousand or so years I hope will profit reading my account.


That is if there are human beings on the planet in a thousand years time. If the pandemic has its way that will not be the case.


The hardest part of writing a book is editing once the last full stop has been punched in. Checking for typo’s and changing the way something is drafted to put it into a better style is a long and tedious task. I am not going to do that with this book. I certainly do not want to change the way in which I have said anything, to do so would change the way I was feeling. Perhaps in one thousand years time someone will sit down and record how many typo’s there on each page then try to read into those figures something of my mind. Yeh, do that if you want but at the end of the day a typo is a typo is a typo. Life is a bit like a typo you know, if you do not make any then you are not living it fast enough !


On that subject can I explain that I have been using something called Google Blogger to write my daily pages. I try my best to negotiate its geeky system. Then I transfer the text to Microsoft Word, how I hate Microsoft. Trust me those of you reading this in the future, think of the most hated thing in your life then multiply it by ten million to the power of sixty-three and a quarter then you will have a figure which equates to how much I hate Microsoft. Finally I have to upload my text using Amazon – fingers crossed. I guess if I have not included enough Typo’s these will help. Now here’s a task for you deep into the future, work out which are genuine typo’s and which are geek generated.


As I publish this book we have not escaped from Armageddon, far from it. I am publishing the first one hundred days of my blog writing, I did not actually start writing on the day of lock down. You know Wikipedia does not record the day the government imposed lock down restrictions but it does record the day China gave us the virus, 31st January 2020.  Will we escape from the virus ?  Will we escape from Armageddon ? I honestly do not know. Only those who will read these words perhaps in the year 3020 will know the answer. To you all in that year can I say hello, wish you well and say I hope you are living in a better world than the one I am.


Max Robinson

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