Sunday 19 February 2017

Meet Jake

This is my best friend JAKE. He is never, ever, far from my side. We do everything together. He is devoted to my wife and I and we are to him.

I have been promising Jake for too long to write his story and include it in my library. Yesterday I completed the first part of that story telling how he came to live with us.

You can read JAKE'S STORY by clicking that title.

I am going to let Jake continue telling you of his adventures both with more chapters in his autobiography and with JAKE'S DOGGIE BLOG. The blog appears at the end of his story page.

Jake's girlfriend. Lucy, is staying with us for the week.  Lucy normally lives with my daughter and her husband but has come to visit Jake while they have gone away on holiday.

Jake and Lucy are having great fun together. 

I can not imagine my home without Jake in it.

Do you have a special friend, someone like Jake ?

Why not drop me a line and tell me about him or her ?

Get your friend to say HELLO to Jake and he will say Hello back.  Send Jake a picture which I can add to my DIARY and Jake can add to his blog.


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