Thursday 2 February 2017

Thursday 2nd February 2017

Hi there friends....

I said that yesterday was going to be a productive day for me and it was.

I have completed the first chapter in my story ANGELS OF THE ANTI CHRIST and am well into the swing of writing Chapter Two.

I have also started to write JAKE'S STORY. As I write this blog update my faithful friend is sitting at my side.

First thing this morning I added a new video to my YOU TUBE CHANNEL. This is part of a new collection I am putting together, Theme Tunes From My Youth.

This particular video is from a TV series I used to watch in my early teens.

It was a police drama, something I am trying to develop in my story ANGELS OF THE ANTI CHRIST.

I made a new posting on Trust Pilot yesterday.  I only post positive reviews. For the most part I would not be seen dead shopping in a discount store but I am becoming addicted to Poundland. Yesterday I went in with my wife to buy 1 item and came out with seven ! I will try to ban myself from the store today.

It's 834am. I have just come home from taking my grandson to school. I am going to dog sit for my daughter in an hour while she goes out for the morning.  My best friend 
Jake knows his girlfriend Lucy is coming, he keeps looking out the window for her.

All being well I will bash out a couple of thousand words both for Jake's story and my crime thriller during the day.

Better get on with it then hadn't I.

Don't forget to listen to my anthem,  He he.

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