Monday 13 February 2017

Today is The International Day Of Love

Some people say they wish it could be Christmas every day. I don't ! But I wouldn't mind it being 14th February every day.

14th February is, of course, Valentine's Day.

Saint Valentine, officially Saint Valentine of Terni, is a widely recognized third-century Roman saint commemorated on February 14 and since the High Middle Ages is associated with a tradition of love.

Wouldn't ours be a better world if we celebrated LOVE every day.

To help you with today's day of love I have on my YouTube Channel a selection TWENTY songs for the one you love.

Listen and share them

I have, over the years written a few short LOVE stories. 

The love in this story comes right at the end of the tale. I take my reader along a short journey then leave him to finish the story in his own mind. To develop the love to a level he thinks it should go.

Another love story from my library is The Great Pretender.

The Love That Dare Nor Speak It's Name - is a phrase from the poem "Two Loves" by Lord Alfred Douglas, published in 1894. It was mentioned at Oscar Wilde's gross indecency trial from which he was sentenced to imprisonment. Love does not, in my opinion, respect who it hits, if love wants two people of the same sex to fall in love that is what will happen.

I have written two same gender love stories. DICKIE WILLIAMS being one. 

My second love story of this genre is What Are We Going To Tell The President.

Are you listening to these love songs as you read my blog ?

I hope you like them and hope they are putting you in to the mood for love on this special day.

You will find more, twenty in all, on my YouTube Channel  but before I sign off let me leave you with just one more, perhaps the most important of them all.

Have a beautiful and love filled day.

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