Friday 20 September 2019

Double Whammy !

Double Whammy ?

More like TRIPLE Whammy - even QUADRUPLE Whammy !

Where to start - so much love and so many smiles to share.

I still have not unloaded the boot of my car since lat Saturday - a week ago - too busy SMILING.

Thursday I launched a new show on Radio CRMK - Dave's Disco - loved every track. I am actually listening to the PODCAST now as I write today's page - CLICK HERE and join me.

When I got home from the show there was an envelope in the letter box. It was a lovely card of thanks for Saturday's event at MK Irish Centre aka Woodstock MK.

The card was addressed to me but it is for everyone who was involved - we tripled the original target and generated a significant sum of money to help Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter support our homeless and rough-sleeping friends this winter.

Let's play something for all at Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter - something from Dave's Disco playlist.

Look !  I filled the studio with disco lights a I broadcast the show.

November 3rd marks by birthday - marks my 200th show on Radio CRMK and also marks the start of Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter's 2019/2020 season. I have in mind to broadcast one of my overnight disco parties to make this triple occasion.

Something more from Thursday's show.

Do you know The Village People hold the world record for the largest number of people dancing disco ?  44,000 danced to YMCA.

I am a very new boy at Worktree, I had a fabulous day at Leon School as we talked to sixth form members and helped them make career choices. CLICK HERE to check out Worktree on the website. Yep I was
there - The Silly Old Man - the Geriatric DJ. Another volunteer was LEONITE Paul.

Yesterday I was working with Worktree again, this time at YMCA Milton Keynes. Can you believe one of the YMCA staff is a LEONITE !  We Leonites get everywhere. Leon School in the 1970's and 1980's - The School of Love.

Something more from Dave's Disco ?  Yeh......

I am always moaning about Milton Keynes Council's rip off parking charges. As I fed the one armed bandit I said to myself this was a TAX ON LOVE. Milton Keynes Council taxing the love of volunteers working at YMCA.  Now Milton Keynes Council I am not in anyway excusing your rip off charges but I would have paid ten times what I did for the privilege of working in YMCA yesterday. What a fantastic place, what amazing and inspiring people I met there.

One of those special people I met yesterday, Becky, has joined The Sunshine Smile Crew.

And as I have just said ...... A member of staff at YMCA is a LEONITE !

Something more from Thursday's show.

LEONITE Paul Foster asked if my radio shows are sponsored by Pepsi Max.  No Paul I am just addicted to the drink.

Here I am in the studio broadcasting yesterday's show complete with one of the three cans of Pepsi Max I guzzled my way through.

Leaving YMCA MK I headed off to my blood donation session. Walking through the door I was met by LEONITE Andy who was also there to donate blood.

That was my 25th donation. If  had not been such a miserable coward in my younger days it would have been a lot more. CLICK HERE to meet a miserable coward - ME !

Something more from Dave's Disco..

University Hospital Milton Keynes uses 6,000 pints of blood in a year. Within The Sunshine Smile Crew we are working to set up a project which we are calling TeenHeroMK. You can donate blood once you reach your 17th birthday. TeenHeroMK is setting out to recruit enough teenage blood donors to match our wonderful hospital's 6,000 pints usage.

You are playing these tracks aren't you. REMEMBER - Life is a Disco so DANCE.

So when you give blood, does it hurt ?

No !  The most painful bit and that isn't painful, is when they stick a pin in your thumb to test everything.

After you have given blood they stick a plaster on your arm and tell you to leave it there for 6 hours.
With me I take it off the moment I leave the donation centre. Finding the courage to tear that plaster off is more to me these days than giving the pint of blood in the first place.

Later today I have to go on-line and sign up for my 26th pint.

CLICK HERE and become a blood donor.

Another bit of disco I think then I am going to change the tempo.

Oooooppppsssss !   Well LIFE IS A LOT MORE FUN

Now I will change the tempo as I tell you about Woodstock MK.

Back to that Worktree session at Leon School. There was this lad, he would have been 16 or 17 years old, wearing a hippie shirt. I said I admired his shirt. He then started talking about Woodstock. Woodstock - 1969 - he wouldn't have been anything more back then than a twinkle in his grandfather's eye !

Broadcasting last Monday's radio show I called Manor Fields where we held our event for Milton Keynes
Winter Night Shelter WoodstockMK. CLICK HERE and listen to the podcast from that show.

When you have done that CLICK HERE and visit WoodstockMK. When I have finished writing this page I will be sending out my first WoodstockMK circular e-mail to local council members. 

As a courtesy as I start this little bit of fun I told the clerks to the various councils. Delia, the clerk to Bletchley & Fenny Stratford Town Council - a lovely lady - sent me this message:

Dear David

Thank you for copying me in to your email.  I love the idea of geriatric Woodstock and spreading news about good things in our locality can only be positive.  Keep up the good work and let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

Kind regards, Delia

Isn't that kind. Once the messages for WoodstockMK start coming in you can read them by clicking on the BREAKING NEWS logo on our website home page: 

So I have had some lovely and special people come my way, lovely and special people who have made me smile and be happy. Are you a member of THE SUNSHINE SMILE CREW - every member is tasked to make at least one person smile every day.

I am going to leave you with The Geriatric DJ singing at Manor Fields aka WoodstockMK....

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