Wednesday 11 September 2019

This is the plan !

OK this is the plan..............

1. Mayor Sam Crooks has asked if he can change the time of his visit to 10am to 10.45am - NO PROBLEM - indeed I think this time will work better.
2. The weather is looking good.
Attendance at the Irish Centre Boot Sale depends so much on the weather so things are looking good.
3. We have a huge amount of stuff for the event ! Also the good people from Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter have even more stuff to bring along. So this is what I am thinking:

  • Around 3.30am I will take down my "little" car loaded with bags and leave them in the boot sale field. I may need to
    make a second, possibly a third visit. But by 5am I will have taken down an abundance of stuff.
  • I will then go down in the Jag taking tables and even more stuff. I can then set up.
  • To accommodate all we have been given I think we will need five table. Setting up is going to be a major task.
  • By 5.30am - yes still dark - punters and traders will be there !  Dawn will be at 5.58am. I have to be ready for the punters by this time.
  • I have corrected the typo on the fun music quiz sheets
    and have 50 to hand out. This needs to be a feature of the vinyl records and CD area of the stall.
  • Radio CRMK has asked me to try and recruit some members. I will be playing the podcast from Monday's show from my laptop - while the battery holds out, and have the CRMK banner to put up.
  • We have sweets and balloons to hand out - all balloons need pumping up, we have doggie treats and we have our SMILE CARDS + Sunshine Smile Crew recruiting cards to hand out.

4. What we do not have are PEOPLE - just me and whoever turns up from Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter. High on my agenda for next week is to work on recruiting for The
Sunshine Smile Crew - our current membership of 11 can not help on Saturday. SO PLEASE IF YOU ARE LOCAL DROP BY AND SAY HI !  If you are an early riser PLEASE come and help me set up.
5. We have the STUFF - big time - the weather is on our side. I have set us a target to make between £100 and £150 - we have enough stuff to make £500+ but we will not do this without PEOPLE HELPING. In addition to making money I want to find THREE people who will become volunteers to help Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter during the coming season. I want to find FIVE people during the morning who will sign up as regular donors to the work of this loving organisation. SUPPORT DOES NOT ONLY MEAN MONEY !

6. Then what ? The sale finishes at noon but generally fades down any time after 11am. Given the weather I am hoping we can stick it out until the end. I am also HOPING like crazy that most of the STUFF has gone so I can get it all home in one journey. With five tables to take back that is not realistic SO is there anyone one who could come down in their car and help transport STUFF back to my home ? I am also hoping there will not be lots of stuff as I do not have that much room to store it.
7. And then ! My original thinking was to take stuff left over to the Helping Our Homeless charity shop but I have another idea. If I can get the help within The Sunshine Smile Crew, I am not going to have this
stress again over the lack of people to help, we could run a pop up stall at different events. SATURDAY 23rd NOVEMBER I am involved with Bletchley & Fenny Stratford Town Council and their Christmas Lights Switch On. Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter has Junction 14 Ladies Choir appearing and I will be working at the Christmas Tree with a project for Milton Keynes Food Bank. We could have a pop up stall running in the same way for Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter. There are other events during the year BUT all depends on PEOPLE. No people = no pop up stall.
8. I have joined WorkTree which I spoke about in an earlier blog. As well as running careers sessions in schools it
operates every Friday morning at the YMCA helping homeless people move into employment and new lives. I have signed up to work at every session from Friday 20th September until the end of the year.

So that's it I guess - the plan for Saturday.

Tomorrow I will be broadcasting my Friday show - Pick Of The Pops 6am to 8am Radio CRMK. In the afternoon I will be at Stadium MK with a project operating at MK Dons.  It is, therefore, important I finish everything needed for Saturday TODAY.


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