Monday 2 September 2019

I am a failure.

I am a failure !

Yesterday was a big day of failure to me. I failed to win the election to the board of University Hospital Milton Keynes - failed by 10 votes. I am so disappointed, I am gutted. While I have sent congratulations to the winner I am jealous and can not help feeling hurt by the fact that the hospital has failed to commiserate with me.
I have not put THOUGHT FOR THE DAY up as part of my disappointment, if you visit this link on my website: you will see
that is Tuesday's Thought For Today. 

What was it writer Mark Twain said ?

It's not the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog...... 

Sheffield Wednesday 1  Queens Park Rangers 2
Yesterday I sent my usual letter of congratulation to the player who scored the goal and e-mailed Club Director Trevor.  Commenting on the result I said Oh dear, what a shame never mind !

Hey did you know that football players all wear bras ?  Honestly they do. On Saturday I was sitting next to the players bench, when a player was called from the bench to the field he took off his tracksuit and put on his shirt. This process showed he was wearing a bra !

I have decided I am going to start wearing a bra !  Why not, if footballers wear them why shouldn't The Geriatric DJ ?

It won't be the first time ! Here I am fooling about in a bra during an event in Asda Supermarket to raise awareness for breast cancer. OMG that was almost three years ago.

Actually the bras footballers wear are shoulder supports. My wife, Maureen, says I am round shouldered. If you look at the header on my website where I am crossing Abbey Road with John. Paul and Ringo you will see she is right.

These bras cost £12.99 on Amazon and YES I have ordered one.

I have become very self-conscious of late - rounded shoulders - getting old - FAILED dental surgery. This is how I look inside, what you see on the outside is NOT ME !

Perhaps a bra will fix my rounding shoulders but I am launching THE SUNSHINE SMILE CREW around the music I play but failed dental surgery means I can not smile !

I was in a meeting at Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Council yesterday when it was suggested I should make myself a badge which says: SORRY ABOUT THE TEETH I AM SMILING REALLY !

I am going to make myself a smiling badge ! So that's two things fixed !

My failure to win a seat on the board at the hospital ?

Yes I am still upset by my failure but watch this space !

It's not the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog...... 

I am going to achieve far more as a non-governor for our hospital than ever I could with my backside plonked on a chair in the board room !

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