Monday 2 September 2019

We need STUFF and we need PEOPLE

I am feeling nervous !

Two important events can be found in my diary for today.
At some time today the election results will be announced as to who has won a seat on the Board of
Governors for University Hospital Milton Keynes, I so much hope I am honoured to win a seat.  BUT that is now out of control. Today I launch the CAR BOT STALL WITH A DIFFERENCE and that I CAN control. I can control it but without your help I can not make it a success. Nowhere near. Will you please help ?

I need STUFF and I need PEOPLE.

That Ralph McTell song has become a classic. Do listen to it and listen to Ralph's thoughts at the end.

Our stall at the Irish Centre Boot Sale on Saturday
14th September will be different. EVERYTHING on our stall will be FREE.  I am giving my famous vinyl record collection and Paul Alexander, a member of Milton Keynes Council, has donated one thousand CD's.  You can take as much as you like from the stall FREE - free but we ask for a donation to Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter as it prepares for a tough 2019/2020 season.
In a minute I will talk about how much we plan to raise from our freebie boot stall but remember that support does not only mean money - far from it.

To make money we need STUFF to sell. Paul's CD's and my vinyl records are certain to arouse a lot of interest but we need more stuff. We need bric-a-brack, books, anything people will be prepared to take away FREE from the stall.  The more stuff we can get together the more we can encourage generous donations for Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter. THE ONLY STIPULATION IN ASKING YOU TO TURN OUT YOUR CUPBOARDS, GARDEN SHED, GARAGE AND LOFT IS THAT YOUR STUFF IS GIVEN IN LOVE. Without love it is worthless !
The boot sale is happening at a centre of LOVE and run by some LOVING people - Milton Keynes Irish Centre. Let's play a record for these lovely people.
That was beautiful wasn't it ?

I have set a target of £100 for the donation buckets but am hoping to make £150. If we can collect
enough STUFF we could even make £500.

Taking what we have already to the stall by way of my car is going to be difficult. It will be a bit more than packed. If there is any way you kind people could bring your STUFF down to the Irish Centre that would help so much.

I will be there setting up at 5am. The early birds will there looking for bargains by 6am. The sale officially finishes at 12 noon. Could you help by bringing your gifts - STUFF OF LOVE to the table ? please come as early as you can.
We then need PEOPLE. This is worrying me. If I am there on my own this event will be a sad failure ! PLEASE HELP ME.

*We need people to man the stall and smile at people so they are generous with their donations.
*We need people to blow up balloons and hand them out with a smile to the children.

*We need people to hand out sweets to people and engage them, asking them to smile and be generous on our stall.
*There will be lots of dogs at the sale, there always are, we need people to hand out doggie treats. Doggies smile you know !
*We need people to talk to passers by about Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter. To find smiling volunteers and loving people who will sign up as regular donors to the incredible work Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter does.
*We need people to SMILE.
So will you show LOVE by giving us STUFF ?  Will you show LOVE by popping by the stall to say HI ?  Will you show LOVE by coming to help make this little
event an amazing success.

I hope that in addition to the money we collect that we will sign up THREE volunteers and FIVE regular donors to support Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter. Will you help smash these targets ?
When I first started to put this project together I e-mailed every member of Milton Keynes Council, Councillor Paul Alexander sent his love with STUFF for
us to sell. 

I will I e-mail all again today inviting a response packed with LOVE.

Our wonderful Mayor is coming along. He's a great guy and most certainly he will be coming in LOVE.
To get involved - to fill our table with STUFF OF LOVE - to help - just drop me an e-mail: 

The most vulnerable members of our society are our homeless and rough-sleeping friends. In Milton Keynes it is a sad reflection not on our council but on you and I the people who make up that society. Come and change that.
It is so wrong that Milton Keynes needs a winter
night shelter but thank goodness we have one. Thank goodness for the love of Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter.  When it opens its doors in two months time Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter is in for a hard season.

Do you care about that ?

If you do then you know what to do don't you !

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