Tuesday 19 November 2019

El Condor Passa

Yesterday was a crazy day for me. I fell out of bed at 4.30am and slipped back into bed at 9.20pm. After broadcasting yesterday's show it was a case of meeting after meeting. Oh boy do I have some follow up and catching up work to do today.

So here I an in the radio station, 5.30am, and set to go live in half an hour with my show Tuesday Terrific Tunes.  Today I am featuring two hours of lovely
country music. But back to yesterday....

One of those meetings was with the committee of our local golf club.  I am not a golfer myself but Windmill Hill falls within my ward as a West Bletchley Councillor and I want to learn more about what goes on there.

It really was a lovely time spent in the company of
some lovely people. As we chatted I looked out of the window at the course, I looked at the trees and the landscape. I can remember back in the early 1970's Milton Keynes Development Corporation building Windmill Hill. The Development Corporation would be proud of Windmill Hill, sadly there are places within the new city it would be thoroughly ashamed of.

I am pleased to live within West Bletchley and feel it has to be one of if not the greenest space in Milton Keynes. Within West Bletchley Windmill Hill has to be the greenest individual space.  I have been wondering how many trees there are on Windmill Hill, the answer is FAR TOO MANY TO COUNT.

They are very new to the area but already the Red Kites who soar above our heads have become a legend. EL CONDOR PASSA - the title of a Simon and Garfunkel track - translated it means WHEN THE CONDOR PASSES EVERYONE STOPS AND WATCHES - In West Bletchley... When the Red Kite passes everyone stops to watch. Some of those Red Kites have made Windmill Hill their home. I guess that makes me their Councillor.

How much more wildlife has made Windmill Hill its home ?  There, I am told, are newts and deer. I am just going to have to wander round, wander with my camera and find out.

5.59am - I had better get ready to start broadcasting.  I'll pick up and finish this blog when I get home.  9.14am - I am home and the podcast from today is now available. CLICK HERE and join

Last week I met with The Imam of our local Mosque, great meeting within our Melting Pot project. He said that god created all life and put man at the top.  I am going to change that a little: god made all life and put man in charge of taking care of everything. But man is not taking care of our world is it ?


Within Milton Keynes who is building a world which will take care of itself ? NOBODY !  All are too busy trying to destroy our world.

The Climate Cowboys of Central Milton Keynes or Windmill Hill - who do you support ?

El Condor Passa....

When the condor passes everyone stops and watches.

When the red kite passed by the golfers stop playing and watch. The Red Kites nest at Windmill Hill not in Central Milton Keynes. The Red Kites fly over Windmill Hill - THEY DO NOT FLY OVER CLIMATE UNFRIENDLY CENTRAL MILTON KEYNES

Viva West Bletchley.......

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