Friday 8 November 2019


It's not yet three weeks since I became a local Councillor.  I am on a massif learning curve, there are things I can do, there are things I can not do and there are things I can do if I do them in the right way. I've got a lot to learn but I have learned it is not the council that makes a community - YOU do that.

When I joined West Bletchley Council I said I would give my role ten hours a week. Last week I attended the Planning & Environment Committee, on Monday next week  I have to attend the Community Committee.  OK, fair enough. 


Yesterday I popped into Saint Andrews Baptist Church to say THANK YOU to volunteers working there with The Food Bank.

The first volunteer I spoke with said WHEN SOMEONE SAYS THANK YOU IT MEANS SO MUCH.

A lady was sitting at the table registering her need for support. She was in tears. A volunteer was holding her hand, comforting her.

Leaving these good people, saying BYE I found my car was blocked in. It was blocked in by a couple who had a car packed with gifts for the Food Bank. They had been to a local supermarket, bought cakes and fruit - a car full of love for people coming to the church for help with food. I was PROUD to help them unload the car.

I constantly say that when you make a gift to The Food Bank do not just throw it into the collecting trolley. Pause, think of the person who will receive your gift then wrap it in love. That is EXACTLY what these two special people did.

The night before I had attended West Bletchley's Community Police Forum.  I am getting very frustrated with the senior management of Thames Valley Police given the level of knife and drug crime in Milton Keynes. But this was not a meeting with senior management, these were
COMMUNITY officers. It was so clear they CARED for the community they served.

Gifts of love are pouring for Secret Santa - have you made your gift of love yet ?  You gift of love for a child who will be sick in hospital this Christmas.

I found this display of poppies outside a house, I just had to go back home and grab my camera.

Earlier in the week I was in Oakgrove School working with a group of teenagers. Four young ladies came to sit and chat with me - ALL were wearing poppies. But NOT the poppies you buy in shops, all were wearing ceramic badges.  I commented. All four teenagers launched into a loving explanation as to why we should respect those who have served in wars.

Two were white, one was Afro Caribbean and one was
a Moslem. Oh I didn't tell you did I - the couple in the car at The Food Bank were NOT white !

STOP talking about race - There is ONLY one race - THE HUMAN RACE.

STOP talking about a multi-racial community - There is only one community. Are YOU a member of our community.

Later today I am going to DREAMSAI to help the wonderful people who run this wonderful organisation love and care for those in our community who are in need.

On Tuesday I welcomed three members of Dreamsai into the radio studio.

Yes, tomorrow I will be at the Remembrance Service, people may think I am there as a Councillor but NO I will be there as a member of the community.

Monday is going to be a crazy day.  Looking forward to it !

I'll be starting my day broadcasting a special show - THEY GAVE THEIR YOUNG LIVES SO WE COULD LIVE OUR OLD LIVES.

At 12noon I will be going to a firing of FENNY POPPERS.

That's me firing a popper last year.

Did you know that St Martin's Church in Fenny
Stratford is the only church in the world to have a firearms licence ? It has to have one for the gunpowder used to fire the mini-cannon.

2pm - I have a meeting with the Imam of our local mosque to talk about blood and organ donation within the Islamic COMMUNITY.

West Bletchley Council has a project - LOVING YOUR STREET.

This coming week I want to inspire the community where I live to make our street a loving street.

The Food Bank serves the whole of Milton Keynes, not just West Bletchley.

Thames Valley Police has Community Forums all over.

Secret Santa has nothing to do with West Bletchley, the gifts are going to Birmingham Childrens' Hospital.

Poppy Day is international.

Fenny Poppers is in Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Council - Not West Bletchley.

YES, I am on a learning curve as a new Councillor. The way things work is Councillors make the policies, the team of staff employed by the council then out work those policies. They way I am looking at it the council members are not the important people, the staff decide if policies are a success or not.

A couple of times at the Community Forum the police said: We have a Councillor here. Stuff that, it was the police and the residents who were important, not me.

When I walked into the Food Bank I ad to sideline the fact that I was a Councillor, the volunteers were the important people.

Yep, tomorrow at the war memorial I will be wearing my Councillor hat but it is the people who are remembering the people who gave their lives who are important.

In the radio station it is not The Geriatric DJ who matters, it is the listeners who form the community of listeners.

COMMUNITY - be it local like West Bletchley, be it national, be it international, the important person in any community is YOU. Sod the Councillors, sod the politicians, sod the government - oh we don't have one of them do we ?  Community = YOU.


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