Monday 6 January 2020

Do small things with great love

Here's a list of small things that need your GREAT love.

Let's start with THE SUNSHINE SMILE CREW. 2020 Vision needs to get membership up to 2,020 by the end of the year. We only have 58 members at the moment right now !

How about you invite all of your friends to join us and help infect the world with SMILES - that will not cost
you a penny.

Each day on my radio shows I play a feature ROCKING FOR THE FOOD BANK. Now for 2020 I am using new tracks and renaming the feature Rocking & Rolling For The Food Bank. Check out the 2019 version.

Every Friday I visit The Food Bank distribution centre at Saint Andrews Baptist Church. I always take in
some coconuts and bananas. For Vinson 2020 I will be adding a pineapple ! PLEASE will you give me a coconut or a banana or a pineapple to take to the bonus table in this distribution centre. Pineapples cost about £1, coconuts 80p, bananas mega cheap !

Did you check the gallery from last Saturday's Dreamsai Lunch and Walk of Love.

If not, why not ?  If you did well CLICK HERE AND CHECK IT AGAIN.

We need things for our FREEBIE BOX - in particular
items of clothing, I keep asking but my words fall on deaf ears !

Our Tombola of Love was a great hit last week. Will you pick up some sweets or biscuits when you are next in the supermarket to add to this week's tombola ?  PLEASE.

Every week my Thursday radio show - DAVE'S DISCO is played from the podcast at the Lunch of Love. PLEASE listen in on Thursday morning this week then hit me with a message on Facebook during the show. I will include this in the show to add your love to the broadcast.


I am still working on our RONALD McDONALD page, you can CHECK IT OUT. I have more text to type up, there's a bit of a formatting issue with one picture and I want to add in another house - DUBLIN.
If you ready my blog page A LIFE-SAVING NIGHT OF HIGH DRAMA the little boy came from Dublin.

We need 1,000 Smile Cards a month to send love
right round the world.I have decided that I will write four during every radio show each week. 20 a week = 80 a month, we still need another 920 !  Will you and your family autograph some. 

Here I am in the studio this morning with the four cards I added love to.

Well there you go some small things - a couple will cost you NOTHING at all. Tombola of love, a quid perhaps. Turning out your cupboards for clothes and bits to put into our Freebie Box, cost you just a bit of time.

So, will you do some small things with GREAT LOVE. Hit me up on the SUNSHINE SMILE CREW page.

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