Friday 17 January 2020

Smile At The World

Smile at the world and the world will smile back at you - A DAY IN THE LIFE OF THE SUNSHINE SMILE CREW

Yesterday was a special radio broadcast. Dave's Disco is always played as a podcast at Dreamasi's Lunch Of Love the following Saturday. Last week Lena went
round collecting requests from guests, as I played the tracks a tingle went down my spine. One request in particular really tickled my Old Grey Whistle Test - you will have to listen to my Friday Pick Of The Pops Show to know what that means, but here's the request.......

We smiled at the world and the world smiled back with a request to play that song.

I have been a bit of a naughty boy, having taken the blog to top 100k I have recently been concentrating on my book The Fantasies Of A Silly Old Man, I am now about half way through, so have been neglecting my blog duties. Yesterday was so special I have to put the book aside and write this page.

Leaving the radio studio I went home, chilled out
then went to my blood donor session. I was a bit scared when my blood was not flowing as fast as it should, there was a chance the donation would have to be aborted. The nurse gave me an exercise to perform, I closed my eyes and thought of
the person who would receive my blood then all was well. Once my blood has been used I will receive a text message telling me where it was used. SMILE AT THE WORLD AND THE WORLD WILL SMILE BACK.

Dreamsai has a pop up blood donor session on
Wednesday 29th January - 5pm to 7pm at Christ The Cornerstone. Are you a blood donor ?  Come along and help save a life.  Yesterday I saw TWO new donors come in to donate. How lovely and how special.

From the donor session I dashed up to Morrissons to fill with fuel - the car not me - where I met Dreamsai member Reddy, great to say HI. Then I dashed to Oakgrove School for Worktree and to spend time with a group of young teenagers. I have to say I was feeling tired but when I left I was, as my friend Josh would say of me, HIGH - HIGH ON LIFE !

When I play this on the radio I always think of the amazing teenagers I meet every week through Worktree.
Well we had a fantastic teenage rampage yesterday afternoon. Smiles were flying all round the room, I saw two teachers from the school smiling so wide as they eavesdropped on the conversation. SMILE AT THE WORLD AND THE WORLD WILL SMILE BACK.

Back at home I dashed off an e-mail of thanks to the school. Here in the radio station at stupid o'clock  I opened my e-mail in box and found this:

Dear David,

Thank you for your lovely email regarding the Workout 50 session you had today here at Oakgrove – your positive feedback is always much appreciated, especially in the dark gloomy day in January.  With regards to the TEEN HERO items I have asked Jon Adamson to get back in contact with you regarding next steps etc. This is all really exciting and thank you so much for all your hard work and ideas.

Take care and catch up soon.

Best wishes,


Ian is the school's headmaster. Smile at the world and the world will smile back.

Another e-mail from yesterday - this is from Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter:

Dear David,

A belated happy new year to you (it feels like a long time ago
now)! Thank you so much for the email below, I think this a great campaign to support the charities close to your heart and would like to confirm our involvement. May I also say how well thought out your plan
is, with clear suggestions and timelines for what is needed when.

We would be delighted to promote the online auction on our Facebook page, if you are able to please send Karen (copied in) any links or relevant information for sharing that would be much appreciated. Karen, if you could please schedule reminders for us to promote this at the beginning of the month, mid-month and
then a couple towards the end of auction that would be great.

Thank you for your continued support – I’m pleased to let you know that as of the beginning of this week we have been able to place 28 individuals into longer term accommodation since we opened for the season.

Kind regards,

Sara Millington
Communications Manager
Winter Night Shelter Milton Keynes

Before I switched off for the night I went back to Morrissons to buy our usual Bananas, Coconuts and Pineapple for today's Food Bank Distribution.  Here's our music mascot Ben adding his love to the gifts.

And here is The Silly Old Man on the radio Rocking For The Food Bank.

I am going to have to pause now as I am about to go
live with today's show on the radio.  I'll finish writing later.

Later now ! 1pm. To my left the printer is clattering away printing off our SMILE CARDS. I am printing off cards to laminate and hand out tomorrow at Dreamsai, some to send to hospitals in our project to help patient, visitors, relatives, family, doctors and nurses SMILE.  Next week I have to crack on and get a load more cards out.

Hang on I think the laminator is up to temperature so I had better go and sort that.

OK, that's up and running.  No laminating them yet but I have printed loads more cards for people to sign ahead of laminating for our Sun Never Sets project.

Sending one thousand cards a month to families with a child sick in hospital in TEN different countries of the world we need a lot of people to be involved.

Check the video:

I've sorted the Tombola of Love for Dreamsai tomorrow.

Thanks to Stewart our King of Smiles we have a mega Freebie Box at Dreamsai tomorrow.

Hey note the new style tomobola tickets - SMILE AT THE WORLD AND THE WORLD WILL SMILE BACK AT YOU.

I've got to start working PDQ for our Lent project A Ton Of Tins For The Foodbank. I think I will make a YouTube video for that using this music.

When I was at Oakgrove School yesterday I was asked the usual question which comes up every time: What do you do for a job ?  I normally reply saying I am a Radio DJ, I like to talk about The
Sunshine Smile Crew, now I sometimes say I am a Local Councillor. Yesterday I looked the lad who had asked me the question square in the face as said: What do you think I do ? He smiled and said: I think you are a writer !


I have now typed up 22,461 words for my new book. I am quite pleased with myself. When I have finished this blog page I am going to type up the next chapter: STRANGE EATING HABITS, scribbling in a notebook I am working on STUPID MONEY. I think the book will end with round about 50,000 words which is a short, what used to be called a novelette. I am determined to finish the book by the end of January. PLEASE CLICK HERE and see why I am writing this book and how important its publication will be to The Sunshine Smile Crew.

So that's a day in the life of The Sunshine Smile Crew. I'll end with something I did for a group of special residents where I am their local Councillor.

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