Saturday 8 February 2020

I need you to invest your love - BIG TIME !

I am writing two blogs today - when you have finished reading this page PLEASE CLICK HERE and read the second page. PLEASE !

I am not going to mess about I WANT YOUR LOVE. In saying that I am targeting the sixty-nine members of The Sunshine
Smile Crew - each and every one of you but I want to put something to a much wider audience.

I have been a part of The Dreamsai Family since October but I have had a passion for the plight of our homeless and rough-sleeping friends since my LEONITE former student Jimmy was found dead sleeping in a tent in Central Milton Keynes.

I go to Dreamsai every Saturday excited and buzzed
up but usually I come home feeling sad and broken hearted. NOT YESTERDAY. I was buzzed up then and woke up at 3am this morning still buzzed up. I could not sleep so here I am at stupid o'clock asking for YOUR LOVE.

That picture at the top of the page - this picture let me share it again.

That was the sight that met me as I pulled up and parked my car. Inside The Buzzy where Dreamsai's lunch is held there was a man with his head down on the table fast asleep. After an hour he awoke and ate a curry. As I left he was back here in his home curled up in a sleeping bag.

One man came in and said: Please I a hungry. He was not hungry when he left.

Another FRIEND said to me: Hey' how's the DJ Man this week ?  Every Saturday we play the podcast from my Thursday radio show as background music to the lunch.

If you want to listen to it you can - CLICK HERE.

Another friend engaged me to talk about his tastes in music which included David Bowie and Queen - he was far too young to remember either when they were at their height. He
was amazed when I told him both had played at Milton Keynes Bowl. There was a Bon Jovi shirt in or Freebie Box. He proudly took it away with him.

I had been out the day before buying socks and hats to put in the Freebie Box. All are now worn by our friends.

The week before a man said to me: I have nothing but I still have my smile and NOBODY is going to take that away from me. He was back again this week, smiling and jigging to the music.

Now this is the important bit, the important bit before I twist your arm up your back and DEMAND your love.

Before they left every single guest came and said THANK YOU - it was not a simple polite thank you but
a deep, genuine and heartfelt THANK YOU.

These are REAL people, they are my friends. They are NOT statistics in some silly box-ticking list within Milton Keynes Council. These are LOVELY real people, kind people.

Another man asked me if he could take some of the sandwiches we had prepared to give to other homeless and rough-sleeping people. He explained they were too proud to come and ask for help. When he said proud he really meant embarrassed.

Have you checked the second blog page ?  Make sure
you do before you shut down and go away.  PLEASE CLICK HERE 

Every Saturday morning members of our Dreamsai Family prepare delicious food at home. This is then taken into The Buzzy as The Lunch of Love for our guests.

The Sunshine Smile Crew helps serve the meals and adds some little bits of fun to help our guests smile.

We have our Tombola Of Love with every number a

We have added cup-a-soup to the drinks menu of tea, coffee and hot chocolate. We have added a variety of cold drinks.


I can't sleep, I never can. On Saturday at 4am I was in the kitchen making cakes to form part of a packed tea guests could take away with them. I made 25 packs with each containing either cheese or chocolate spread sandwiches, a sausage roll, sweets, tomatoes, Kit Kat bar and one of my cakes.

At the end of Dreamsai's Lunch Of Love there were six of the twenty-four packs left. It was Julie's idea, Julie Queen of the Kettle, that we go out into Central Milton Keynes and find people who had not come to the Lunch of Love to give them a packed tea. Julie had
her lovely granddaughter with her who often comes to help, she is always an important part of what we do and there she was yesterday helping to give out the packed tea.

I do not want to make myself sound big and grand but I paid for the bits and pieces to go into the Freebie Box, I paid for the packed tea sandwiches, I paid for the drinks and I paid for the tombola of love.  OK I'll pay again next week but I do not want to, I want YOU to pay !

Those hats I put into The Freebie Box cost me £1 each from Poundland.

I want you to go and buy one or two for nest week's box. Or give me the money and I will buy it for you.

Are you into knitting ?  If you are then please knit one. Get started now, we need the hats for next week.

The socks cost me £4 for a pack of four. We need about 12 pairs for next week.  No messing go out and buy some for these wonderful people - REAL PEOPLE - who come to our lunch of love.

Are you listening to that video I played just now ?  You netter had be !

Our tombola is a bit of fun, a bit of love, it is not Las Vegas when it comes to the prizes. We buy multi-packs of Mars Bars, Kit Kats, Milky Way at £1. I want you to buy a pack and add it to the tombola for next week. But it or give me the money and I will buy it for you.

We are OK for cold drinks and for cup-a-soup but I want you to invest your love into the packed tea for guests.

We need two loaves of medium slices bread. We need 24 Morrisson's Saver Sausage Rolls costing £1 a pack. We need tomatoes,
loose but wrapped sweets and we need a chocolate bar/biscuit. We need cup cakes, 24 of them - will you make some ?  What else could we add ?  Morrissons has packets of mini Cedars on offer at the moment.

Boring but we need sandwich bags to pack everything in.

So which area are you going to inject with your love ?

I have also mentioned hats and socks for the freebie box. AS A MATTER OF URGENCY we need jumpers, jogging bottoms, trainers and shoes. We need tee shirts including Bon Jovi shirts. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE turn out your cupboards.

Don't forget to check out the twin blog page will you
- don't you dare forget ! 

To invest your love hit me on FACEBOOK but don't like or share this blog without also investing your love. 

You can e-mail me at

Officially Dreamsai's Lunch Of Love runs from 12.30pm to 1.30pm but as we start setting up around 12 noon guests begin to arrive. I want the success of Julie's idea to take our packed tea out and about to become a regular feature.

developed into supporting the amazing food family members prepare in their homes during the morning, to support it being served at the lunch. At the moment we have The Geriatric DJ and Julie Queen of the Kettle. It is lovely when Julie is able to bring her granddaughters. Some weeks Jelena is able to join us.

With more support from within THE SUNSHINE SMILE CREW we could do more to enhance this amazing lunch provided by DREAMSAI. Could you help ?  A one off Saturday or every week !  I promise you will find it a beautiful experience.

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