Wednesday 19 February 2020

Please help me through a difficult day - PLEASE

Today is Rebekah's 37th birthday.  I have not been looking forward to today and intended to stay at home doing nothing. It is going to be hard but I have changed my plan. We are coming up to three years since Beck left us, hers is the smile in The Sunshine Smile Crew. Without the now 72 members of The Sunshine Smile Crew and what we do on a daily basis to make people smile I do not think I could get through a single moment in life. Instead of moping about today, instead of feeling sad this is what I am going to do.

I am in the studio very early today, I was here at 3.30am as I want to record a backing track for something on YouTube, something to raise awareness and to generate love for our homeless rough-sleeping friends. I'll say more about that in a moment.

I go live on the radio at 6am with Dave's Disco. This week's show is titled The Disco Of Love.  Every Saturday at Dreamsai we play the podcast of that week's edition of Dave's Disco.  I am going to put 2,000% effort into making this a special broadcast.

Yes Beck would be 37 years old today. I am going to sign 37 SMILE CARDS to send to families within our Ronald McDonald project. I will sign as many as I can while broadcasting The Disco Of Love. I've checked and  I do have 37 blanks with me. Please check out the Ronald McDonald Project. Would you sign some cards ?

Here's our YouTube video for this smiling project.

I am then going to send the next supply of SMILE CARDS to various departments in University Hospital Milton Keynes and
Churchill Hospital Oxford.

I am trying to market my books as a source of income to help fund our SMILES, particularly smiles for our homeless, rough-sleeping friends.
This is a book I wrote for Rebekah when she was ten years old, twenty-seven years ago. You can download it as an e-book for the vast sum of 99p. The royalties for this will be 50p. Wouldn't it be just lovely if 37 people were to buy the book ? PLEASE CLICK HERE AND SHOW LOVE.

23 people read my blog TRILOGY OF TRAGEDY. That's a bit disappointing if I a, honest. I had hoped for more.

The third person in the trilogy is Lewis. That's not his real name and I am not going to tell you his real name. I will tell you that his nick-name is Brummie. If you read the blog TRILOGY OF TRAGEDY you will learn of the friendship established between us. Once I have done everything above I am going to Central Milton Keynes where I will have to face Milton Keynes Cowboy Council's rip off parking charges as I attempt to find Brummie.  I do have help in place for him. Please cross your fingers I can find him and please cross your fingers that he wants the help.

That audio track I recorded as soon as I came into the studio was, of course, Bridge Over Troubled Water. I hope I can get it edited and on to YouTube today but it may take me into tomorrow to achieve that.

I have printed out some invitation cards to next Saturday's Dreamsai Lunch of Love which I plan to hand out to all
rough-sleeping friends I meet as I search for Brummie.

This picture shows every single item owned by one homeless rough-sleeping friend who came to Dreamsai last week.

On Saturday morning lovely members of our Dreamsai Family will be cooking food at home for the lunch of love.
Delicious food.

On Saturday The Sunshine Smile Crew and Dreamsai become one great extended family as Julie becomes Queen Of The Kettle to front the servery.

Adding to the food prepared in family members homes we have cup-a-soup, cold drinks and last week a guest asked for a toasted sandwich. This week we add this to the menu.

We have SIM cards for friends phones who have no money to buy credit. We have our tombola of love with FREE tickets and every one a winner.

This week we are offering bumper packed teas for guests to take away including:

Cheese, ham, chocolate spread or jam sandwiched.  Rock cake, doughnut, Kit Kat, some sweets, sausage roll, packet of crisps and,of course, a SMILE card.

Oh I forgot to say, we have some swiss roll for pudding after the delicious hot food.

After the meal we load more packed teas into the car then drive round to hand them to rough-sleeping friends who did not come to the lunch of love.

Part of my doings list today is to make sure I empty the shelves of Morrissons to prepare these packed teas.

We are racing towards the end of the month. Everyone who spends 99p to download an e-book will have their kindness spent at Dreamsai on Saturday 7th March. PLEASE INVEST 99p IN THE LUNCH OF LOVE.

On Saturday I will be handing out to guests who would like to be a part of this, small writing packs to encourage them to write stories of their own.

I would also like to involve guests in signing SMILE CARDS in our Ronald McDonald project.

I want today to also do some work on our TeenHeroMK project. To prepare for the launch meeting next week of our school drug awareness project. I have loads to do as we support The Food Bank. I have to chase the failing area within The Justice Department to get Project Womble started. So I am going to have a busy, busy day.

Normally I end my day crashing out in front of the TV watching some rubbish before an early bedtime to start the next day. Not this evening ! I am going to The Dreamsai Guru's Evening.

Today I am going to spend my day, all day, generating SMILES to celebrate my darling daughter's 37th Birthday.

5.16am - time to chill then to hit the world with THE DISCO OF LOVE.

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