Tuesday 14 July 2020

Escape From Armageddon

I am no longer using Facebook and can assure you that life without it is so much better !  However, I am REMOTELY posting updates for my music and for my writing. I AM NOT LOGGING INTO FACEBOOK TO DO THIS.

I am not expecting anyone to read this book. Well not in this millennium anyway. If mankind does survive perhaps far into the future the text may be discovered and become an academic study for scientists, historians and sociologists to understand what I and my fellow human beings have been going through in the Corona Virus Pandemic sweeping the world.

Day by day I have expressed how I have been feeling. I have attacked the prime minister, journalists and the government but that was how I was feeling on any day of writing. I am not going to go back and edit the text, to calm down my ranting and raving, to do so would give a false account. I think that history within the next hundred or so years will agree with me but it is history in a thousand or so years I hope will profit reading my account.

That is if there are human beings on the planet in a thousand years time. If the pandemic has its way that will not be the case.

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