Friday 4 September 2020

Milton Dreams - Fire Up The Dream

After writing 66,193 words I have now submitted MILTON DREAMS THE CITY THAT NEVER WAS to Amazon for publication.

Amazon suggested an e-book price of £1.79 but I have upped this to £1.99, a more rounded figure - I hope.

It can take anything up to 72 hours for Amazon to review a book before adding it to its library. I do not see any problem with this but no matter what the launch for the book will not be happening until Monday 14th September.

Once accepted I will re-submit it to also be published in paperback format. The Amazon on-line system for this is GEEKY and you know just how much I despise geeks. My fingers will be so tightly crossed they will be in danger of snapping.

Perhaps later today, possibly tomorrow, I will submit my original 1993 book NOT THE CONCRETE COWS for re publishing.

When I was writing about the adolescent new city all those years ago I said the book was a
warts and all look at the good, the bad and the ugly of Milton Keynes. It was designed ti show there was far more to Milton Keynes than  the infamous concrete cows !

For MILTON DREAMS I also talk about the good, the bad and the ugly but also I say: CELEBRATE the good - FIX the bad - PAINT the ugly the LOUDLY CELEBRATE all.

Not The Concrete Cows was a compilation of articles I wrote for the local press together with a couple of bits in national magazines. In those days I wrote under the pen-name of Jonathan Flie - an adaptation of fly-on-the-wall as many of my newspaper articles were of this genre. Now writing, as I have done, for many years I hope the robotic geeks at Amazon do not try to turn round and say Max Robinson does not won the rights !

When both books are available both in e-book and paperback format - Monday 14th September, I will commence a strong programme of promotion. I do not usually promote anything I write - I write for my own enjoyment but here I would like to think the two books together could sell  10,000 copies. Not for me to make money but to spark that dream and kick our local politicians to CELEBRATE, FIX and PAINT.

Last night I had a dream, a very vivid dream. The books did sell 10,000 copies - that AFTER TAX, would put £13,930 into my pocket. Yeh I will buy myself a few little treats but most of
the money I will invest in people, vulnerable people in Milton Keynes. That dream last night was of an exhibition I staged in Milton Keynes telling the public of the needs our "city" is ignoring.  NO, I will not stage any exhibition but I will invest the money directly in people.

When I broadcast last week my radio show MILTON KEYNES - THE CITY OF LOVE I knew I was going to be emotional so deliberately set this aside. As a result I felt the show came over a bit cold and hard. That said a lot of friends have listened to the PODCAST. Have you heard the music and what I say ?  CHECK IT OUT - SEE WHAT YOU THINK.

I have a number of other shows coming up to share the Milton Keynes Dream.

On Monday 14th September will you buy a copy of Milton Dreams - The City That Never Was ?  Can you afford £1.99 ?  Will you help spark the dream ?  

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