Sunday 27 September 2020

The Government converts universities into prisons

SUNDAY 27th September 2020
Tomorrow when I broadcast my show on Radio CRMK I am going to dedicate every single track to our now imprisoned university students.

The new intake had to negotiate the government's hideous failing examination system and now these teenagers have in effect found themselves in prison !

University is supposed to be a happy time of learning, making new friends and growing up. I have said in earlier writing that my heart bleeds for teenagers in school today but that is nothing to the way I now feel for our uni students.

Last Christmas I was asked by somebody to write an anonymous card of love to a patient in hospital. With the pandemic I am having to stop sending SMILE CARDS to families with children seriously ill in hospital. I am going to print off dozens of cards and write messages on them: messages of hope, love and support. I am then going to send them to students in HMP Universities up and down the country.

I am going to sign as many as I can while broadcasting tomorrow's radio show. Do you have a son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter at university trying to get through this mess ? Please tell me and I will make sure they get a SMILE CARD.

TOMORROW'S RADIO SHOW ON CRMK WILL BE MY 396th I AM GOING TO MAKE IT THE BEST SHOW I HAVE EVER BROADCAST. I am playing some great rock and roll music and promise to fool around in my inevitable style doing everything I can to celebrate our wonderful uni students whose lives right now are at rock bottom. I AM GOING TO LIFT

If you would like a card sending to a member of your family please e-mail me or hit me on Facebook.

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