Friday 27 January 2023


MK Today – Time to recue a legend from the cruel and failing hands of Milton Keynes Council !

Following on from my publishing Milton Keynes The City of Legend I began the New Year with a weekly on-line social media celebration of our City’s legends MK Today.

I was going to share something later in the Spring about the demise of Leon Dinosaur at the hands of Milton Keynes Council but following people contacting me I am here advancing such publication.

PLEASE – we must not allow our iconic dinosaur to be hit by asteroids by Milton Keynes Council.

This is the entire chapter from my book. PLEASE read what I am trting to say and reverse the negligent destruction of Milton Keynes Council.

As I write this chapter I am very nervous and fearful of failure. As I will explain the mission I want to invite you to join me on has failure on its horizon, that horizon has a meteorites within its darkness.

Milton Keynes has been hit by a meteorite ! It was the twin brother of the inter-stellar missile

that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs six hundred and fifty million years ago.

Can we rescue the once iconic Leon Dinosaur from extinction ?

Let me tell you his story in some mini chapters:

Jurassic Classic – words from Not The Concrete Cows

How Leonasaurus Rex Was Born

Negligence And Failure

21st November 2021

November 2022

2023 And A Space To Watch

Jurassic Classic:

Steven Speilberg - Jurassic Park ? Forget it. Crowds flocking to cinema screens up and down the country, media hype, marketing bandwagons covering everything from tee shirts to birthday cakes. Anyone would think that Mr Speilberg and Universal Studios invented the species. Well the silver screen mogul is very much mistaken, Milton Keynes has had its own Jurassic Classic for years.

Every British Rail passenger travelling up and down the main line through Bletchloey could be forgiven for thinking themselves victims of a time warp. Either that or perhaps they wonder if the eighty thirty-two out of Euston has taken a wrong turning and ended up in Hollywood California. For there, snarling at all and towering thirty feet above its surroundings is a life size Tyrannosaurus !  Our very own Leonasaurus Rex.

But this specimen is, for the most part, friendly and being constructed out of reinforced concrete not likely to terrorise anyone. Living at the bottom of Leon School's playing field this particular dinosaur was built under the direction of local artist Bill Billings. During the spring and summer of 1991 Bill and a team of Leon students dug out foundations and erected a steel frame support before casting the beast in concrete.

Although Central Television showed an initial interest in the statue it has entered the landmark scene of Milton Keynes and been taken so much for granted it is anything but forgotten. But T Rex is not the only one of Bill Billings Jurassic creations to roam the city. A few miles along Marlborough Street, at Peartree Bridge, is Triceratops again sculptured in concrete and this particular dinosaur came to live in Milton Keynes fifteen years ago.

Standing in the grounds of the Interaction project at The Old Rectory, Peartree Bridge, this dinosaur has been featured in a Bon Jovi video and was, for a time, the subject of the most popular selling post card of Milton Keynes. Unfortunately the trees along the V8 have matured now to the point where the sculpture can no longer be seen from the road. But next time you are in the area turn off towards Waterside and admire this particular landmark.

So Mr Speilberg you may have become a legend in your own time but so, in Milton Keynes, has Bill Billings. Then when your Jurassic Park is consigned to the discount shelves of the video stores then repeated every Boxing Day on our televisions Bill's creations will still be in their youth. And who knows Bill may have another Jurassic Classic in mind to graze on the planes of our city !

The original text from my 1994 book Not The Concrete Cows. Now, all these years later, what are your memories of Leonasaurus Rex ?

How Leonasaurus Rex Was Born:

During my time as Head of Year at Leon School I was privileged to serve under two different headmasters: Mr D B Bradshaw and Bruce Abbott, two very different characters but both amazing headmasters who loved their schools and gifted so much to their students. One day Bruce Abbott came into my office and said he wanted an iconic statue building on the school field, something which would raise the profile of the school. He then added: Dave Ashford I want you to make it happen !

Thank You Mr Abbott !

Abbott's original idea was to have a series of Easter Island Head style constructions running the entire length of the school field, all could be seen from passengers on trains heading into Milton Keynes. I thought that was a little ambitious and wanted to build on the developing legend surrounding the Peartree Bridge Dinosaur.

If the dinosaur were built in the bottom corner of the school field it would be clearly visible from the railway and be the first thing passengers saw on their way into the new city. I persuaded Headmaster Abbott to go along with Leon Dinosaur.

First thing I had to do was to make a planning application which was easily granted. I was interviewed by Central Television on the site where the dinosaur would stand but sadly the station did not engage as construction began.

With planning permission I persuaded Bill Billings, who had built the Peartree Dinosaur, to give us Leon Dinosaur. Within the chapter here in Milton Keynes The City of Legend celebrating Milton Keynes Worthies I have named Bill as one who gave Milton Keynes so much heritage.

In the early days of Milton Keynes, in the 1970's, lorry driver Brian Billings came from London to work on the building sites of the New City.

It was far, far more than houses Brian, better known as Bill, had a hand in building. In 1980 his

work was honoured with a degree from The Open University, itself a Milton Keynes icon and landmark. In 2000 he was awarded an MBE by HM Queen Elizabeth II. Sadly, Bill left us on Boxing Day 2007 but his work is a legend and will remain so for decades to come. However, unless we can rescue Leon Dinosaur as a matter of urgency this will be one area of Bill’s work forever destroyed.

Bill was not the concrete cows, not the originals anyway. These were three cows and three calves built by artist Liz Leyh in 1978.  It was The BBC's DJ and presenter Noel Edmunds who made the cows famous. He was forever making jokes saying how Milton Keynes was closing farms to build houses and factories so throwing out the real cows but replacing them with concrete cows to match the concrete fields !

Too fragile now to be left in the open those original cows are in a museum, but their replacement are indeed the work of Bill Billings.

Bill gave us a wonderful display near Wolverton a display which is itself a picture of heritage today.

Construction of our Leon Dinosaur was fun, big time and the teenagers were so excited and enthused by Bill. Bill did not so engage with many of my colleagues and certainly not the caretaking  team, I was constantly piggy in the middle and peace-maker. However, Headmaster Bruce's Abbott's dream came to fruition as did mine and Leonasaurus became a major Milton Keynes landmark.

The story does not stop there. Students who were involved in the building of the statue tell me a time capsule was buried at the site. I cannot say I have any recollection of this but clearly something happened

Bill did not construct another dinosaur, he went on to many other exciting projects but when Bruce Abbott retired dinosaurs took over the management of Leon School.

Negligence And Failure:

When the dinosaurs within the school’s later management decided it wanted to dismantle the statue there was public outcry among residents on the Lakes Estate. Sadly that did not stop the mental fossils from having their way as Leonasaurus was expelled from Leon School to a new home at The Warren Playground. There it stands today where it has been hit by an asteroid.

21st  November 2021:

Today I visited our dinosaur this morning and found him ill, TERMINALLY ILL and suffering from serious NEGLECT !

Leonasaurus is on his death bed.

First of all as I approached the iconic sculpture it looked to me as if he had been on a day trip to Bristol the world’s capital of scruffy graffiti !  Who ever thought this was an appropriate costume for Leonasaurus to wear !

If you visit the Peartree Bridge Dinosaur you will find a simple notice of heritage explaining this is the work of our late community artist Bill Billings. My thinking was to have something similar for Leonasaurus.

The dinosaur was Leon School Headmaster Bruce Abbott’s idea. He delegated it  to me to project manage. It was Bill Billings and the Leon Students of 1991/1992 who made it happen. I DO NOT want my name on any plaque but IDO WANT Bruce Abbott and Bill Billings to be acknowledged along with the Leonite students working within the project.

Leonasaurus is thirty years old but  unless something is done as a matter of urgency he will vanish completely from sight.

Not only is our dinosaur covered in this hideous graffiti which presumably somebody considers to be art but that art cannot cover up the crumbling exterior.

Yes I am angry and I hope my anger is coming out in these words !  I am angry that the work of Bruce Abbott, Bill Billings and Leonite Students is being treated with such disrespect. I  am angry that this yet again a failure on the part of Milton Keynes Council. Passionate as I am about our heritage, something I have been writing about for more than thirty years, I am angry that this icon of heritage is about to vanish from our community !

I shared those words from November 2021 on social media. The response was overwhelming save for one member of the local town council who attacked me on social media saying the dinosaur was part of a regeneration plan.  So great was my support on social media that Milton Keynes Citizen picked up on the situation and ran an article.

The person engaged by Milton Keynes Council to review the situation on Bletchley’s Lakes Estate within a regeneration programme contacted me and picked my brains. We were going to meet at the dinosaur but not for a few weeks. Those weeks have now become a year ! Publishing this book in January 2023 one year and three months.

November 2022:

November 2022 I returned to check on the health of our dinosaur. He is holding on but unless he is given urgent attention his life will soon be at its end.

I am hoping our dinosaur can hold on until this book is published.

2023 And A Space To Watch:

Firstly I want to use the publication of this book to launch a petition to remove Leonasaurus from the negligent care of Milton Keynes Council.

I would like to see him placed into the care of a small group of trustees. These trustees can take responsibility to organise the urgent surgery needed before moving our friend to a new home.

Where ?  Back to his original home at the bottom of Leon School field where Bill Billings and Leonite students constructed him. Back to where Headmaster Bruce Abbott wanted him to be the first thing passengers on trains from London heading into the New City of Milton Keynes would see. The responsibility of care for our dinosaur would remain in the care of the trustees and not be burdened onto the school.

Yes, this was my project but I was only the co-ordinator. It was Bruce Abbott’s idea and Bill Billing’s with Leonites who built our dinosaur. Both Bruce and Bill passed away some time ago. Responsibility falls on my shoulders to save this icon from the failing hands of Milton Keynes Council.

Am I not right in thinking NASA has developed the technology to fire a missile and divert the

course of incoming meteorites ?  Having been hit once by such meteorite could any future extinction be diverted to land on Milton Keynes Council ?

I said as I began to write this chapter that I am very nervous and fearful of failure. I am still very nervous and fearful of failure. How tragic it will be if that failure destroys Leonasaurus Rex.

I am hoping this special edition of MK Today will help save our dinosaur.


I am hoping that REAL people rescue this legend.

Sunday 22 January 2023

Milton Keynes Teenage Heroes - MK Today Monday 23rd January 2023

What are teenagers in Milton Keynes doing today in 2023 ?

Leaving school, perhaps going to university, starting work. Starting life.

What was life like for these FORTY-SIX nineteen year olds ? What was life like for them in 1914, 1915, 1916,1917, 1918. 1940, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1945 ?

Please read the list which is now following and take these young men into your hearts.

1914 Private 9683 Percy George Jarvis 1st Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment. Killed in action Thursday 10th September 1914 at the age of nineteen years. Born Stantonbury. Named on New Bradwell War Memorial. Private Jarvis is buried in Vaily British Cemetery Aisne France Grave IV A 54.

1914 Private 8405 Ernest Ayre(s) Nichols 2nd Battalion Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry. Killed in action Wednesday 21st October 1915 at the age of nineteen years. Son of Sarah Purcell of 30 Stratford Road Wolverton. Named on Broughton War Memorial. Private Nichols has no known grave. He is commemorated on Ypres (Menin Gate) memorial Ieper West-Vlaanderen Belgium Panel 37 and 39.

1914 Private 9828 George William Goom 2nd Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment. Killed in act ion Sunday 8th November 1914 at the age of nineteen years. Son of James Groom 22 Buckingham Street Wolverton. Named on Wolverton and Old Wolverton War memorial. Private Goom has no known grave. He is commemorated on Ploegeteert Memorial Comines-Warneton Hainult Belgium Panel 4.

1915 Private 3/703 Arthur Edward Farmer 1st Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment. Killed in action Monday 19th April 1915 at the age of nineteen years. Son of William and Emma Farmer Ivy Cottage The Leys Woburn Sands. Named on Woburn Sands War Memorial. Private Farmer has no known grave. He is commemorated on Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial Ieper West-Vlaanderen Belgium Panel 31 and 33.

1915 Private 1460 Edward Evans Whitfield 1st/1st Battalion Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry. Killed in action Thursday 6th May 1915 at the age of nineteen years. Resident of Stantonbury. Named on New Bradwell War Memorial. Private Whitfield is buried in Ploegsteert Wood Military Cemetery Comines-Warneton Hainult Belgium Grave IV C6.

1915 Private 1982 Leonard Powell 1st/1st Battalion Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry. Killed in action Sunday 9th May 1915 at the age of nineteen years. Born and resident of Stantonbury. Private Powell is buried in Ploegsteert Wood Military Cemetery Comines-Warneton Hainult Belgium Grave IV B1.

1915 Private 9973 Thomas Walter Holt 2nd Battalion Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry. Killed in action Sunday 16th May 1915 at the age of nineteen years. Son of Ellen Holt of 52 Priory Street Newport Pagnell. Private Holt has no known grave. He is commemorated on Le Touret Memorial Pas de Calais France Panel 26.

1915 Private 12692 Harold Southwell 11th Battalion The King’s Liverpool Regiment. Killed in action on Tuesday 28th August 1917 at the age of nineteen years. Son of Edward and Ellen Southwell of 9 Osborne Street Bletchley. Named on Fenny Stratford and Bletchley War Memorial. Private Southwell is buried in Etaples Military Cemetery Pas de Calais France Plot IV Row D Grave 3.

1915 Lance Corporal 12625 William John Coey 6th Battalion Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry. Died of wounds Saturday 5th October 1918 at the age of nineteen years. Son of Mrs A Coey 4 New Road Castlethorpe. Lance Corporal Coey is buried in Merville Communal Cemetery Nord France Plot IV Row G Grave 10.

1916 Private 1570 Edmund Percy Cranwell 14th (County of London) Battalion (London Scottish) London Regiment. Killed in action Wednesday 7th June 1916 at the age of nineteen years. Son of William and Elizabeth Cranwell of 11 Brooklands Road. Named on Fenny Stratford and Bletchley War Memorial. Private Cranwell is buried in Hebuterne Military Cemetery Pas de Calais France Plot III Row G Grave 5.

1916 Lance Corporal 1459 James Markcus Thompson 1st/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry. Died of wounds Saturday 24th June 1916 at the age of nineteen years. Born and resident of Stantonbury. Son of John and Caroline Thompson of 26 King Edward Street Stantonbury. Named on New Bradwell War Memorial. Lance Corporal Thompson is buried in Saint Sever Cemetery Rouen Seine-Maritime France Grave A 20 44.

1916 Lance Corporal 11097 Private Sidney Irving Dickens 1st Battalion Kings Own Scottish Borders. Killed in action on Saturday 1st July 1916 at the age of nineteen years. Son of Frank and Annie Dickens of Bletchley. Named on Bletchley Saint Mary’s War Memorial. Lance Corporal Dickens is buried in Knightsbridge Cemetery Mesnil-Martinscart Somme France Grace C 30

1916 Lieutenant Francis Maurice Taylor 10th Battalion Royal Fusiliers. Killed in action Saturday 15th July 1916 at the age of nineteen years. Son of Francis Taylor The Limes Newport Pagnell. Named on Newport Pagnell Newport Pagnell. Lieutenant Taylor has no known grave. He is commemorated on Thiepval Memorial Somme France Pier and Face B C 9 A and 16 A.

1916 Corporal 1477 Albert Victor Fincher 2nd/1st Buckingham Battalion Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry. Killed in action Wednesday 19th July 1917 at the age of nineteen years. Son of Frederick and Ada Fincher 43 High Street New Bradwell. Named on New Bradwell War Memorial. Corporal Fincher has no known grave. He is commemorated on Loos Memorial Pas de Calais France Panel 83 to 85.

1916 Private 265211 Frank Herbert Andrews 2nd/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion Oxford and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry. Killed in action 19th July 1916 at the age of nineteen years. Son of Mr and Mrs Frank Andrews 61 Thompson Street New Bradwell. Named on New Bradwell War Memorial. Private Andrews has no known grave. He is commemorated on Loos Memorial Pas de Calais France Panel 83 to 85.

1916 Private 266634 Richard William Guntrip (p) 2nd/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry. Killed in action Wednesday 19th July 1916 at the age of nineteen years. Son of Richard and Agnes Guntrip 24 Saint James Street New Bradwell. Named on New Bradwell War Memorial, Private Guntrip has no known grave. He is commemorated on Loos Memorial Pas de Calais France Panel 83 to 85.

1916 Private 3628 Lawrence Smith 51st Company Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) Formerly 7766 Bedfordshire regiment.  Killed in action 21st August 1916 at the age of nineteen years. Son of Joseph and Caroline Smith Russel Street. Named on Woburn Sands War Memorial. Private Smith is buried in Foncquevillers Military Cemetery Pas de Calais France Row M Grave 8.

1916 Private 42625 George Edward Day 1st Battalion Worcester Regiment (Formerly Private 22877 Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry.) Killed in action on Sunday 22nd October 1916 at the age of nineteen years. Son of George and Louisa Day of 16 High Street Bletchley. Listed on Fenny Stratford and Bletchley War Memorial. Private Day has no known grave. He is listed on Theipval Memorial Somme France Pier and face 5A and 6C.

1917 Private CH/1294 (S) Walter Charles Smith 1st Royal Marine Battalion Royal Naval Division Royal Marine Light Infantry. Died Sunday 28th April 1917 at the age of nineteen years. Son of Charles and Annie Smith 28 Spring Gardens Newport Pagnell. Named on Newport Pagnell War Memorial. Private Smith has no known grave. He is commemorated on Arras Memorial Pas de Calais France Bay 1.

1917 Private 33071 William Albert Charles Page 6th Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment. Died of wounds Wednesday 16th May 1917 at the age of nineteen years. Son of Albert and Amy Page 73 High Street Newport Pagnell. Named on Newport Pagnell War Memorial.  Private Page is buried in Etaples Military Cemetery Pas de Calais France Grave XVIII N 19.

1917 Rifleman 652538 John T Worker 1st/21st Battalion (First Surrey Rifles) London Regiment Formerly 22538 Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry. Killed in action Thursday 7th June 1917 at the age of nineteen years. Son of Edith Worker New Road Castlethorpe. Named on Castlethorpe War Memorial. Private Worker has no known grave. He is commemorated on Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial Ieper West-Vlaanderen Belgium Panel 54.

1917 Private 33457 Ernest Hubert Fennemore (Spelt Fennymore on SDGW – Soldiers Died Great War ) 6th Battalion Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry. Killed in action on Thursday 16th August 1917 at the age of nineteen years. Son of Mr and Mrs E Fennemore 21 Victoria Road. Named on Fenny Stratford and Bletchley War Memorial. Private Fennemore has no known grave. He is commemorated on Tyne Cot Memorial Zonnebeke West-Vlaanderen Belgium Panel 96 to 98.

1917 Private 41743 George Samuel Palmer 7th Battalion Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers. Killed in action Wednesday 16th August 1917 at the age of nineteen yearsSon of Mr and Mrs J Palmer 1 Windsor Street Bletchley. Named on Bletchley Saint Mary’s War Memorial. Private Palmer has no known grave. Private Palmer is commemorated on Tyne Cot Memorial Zonnebeke West-Vlaanderen Belgium Panel 70 to 72.

1917 Private 33463 Thomas Jackman 6th Battalion Oxford and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry. Killed in action on Thursday 20th September 1917 at the age of nineteen years. Son of Henry and Mary Jackman 61 High Street Bletchley. Named on Fenny Stratford and Bletchley War Memorial. Private Jackman is buried in bard Cottage Cemetery Iper West-Vlaanderen Belgium Plot IV Row H Grave 40.

1917 Private 28240 John Walton 1st Battalion Prince Albert’s (Somerset Light Infantry) Killed in action Thursday 4th October 1917 at the age of nineteen years. Son of George and Alice Walton 5 Cobbs Garden Olney. Named on Olney War Memorial. Private Walton has no known grave.  He is commemorated on Tyne Cot Memorial West-Vlaanderen Belgium.

1917 Private 32253 Newman Riley 6th Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment. Killed in action Monday 8th October 1917 at the age of nineteen years. Son of Thomas and Edith Riley of 1 High Street New Bradwell. Private Riley has no known grave. He is commemorated on Thiepval Memorial Somme France Panel 48 to 50 and 162A.

1918 Private 266421 William George Brice (Listed as GW) 5th Battalion Oxford and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry. Killed in action 23rd March 1918 at the age of nineteen  years. Son of Mr and Mrs G Brice of Castlethorpe.  Named on Castlethorpe War Memorial. Private Brice has no known grave. He is commemorated on Pozieres Memorial Somme France Panel 50 and 51.

1918 Second Lieutenant Bouverie Walter St John Mildmay 70th Squadron Royal Flying Corps. Killed Tuesday 16th April 1918 at the age of nineteen years. Named on Wolverton and Old Wolverton War Memorial. Second Lieutenant Mildmay is buried at Gezaincourt France.

1918 Private 57848 Harold W Garner 16th Battalion Cheshire Regiment attached to 7th Battalion Queen’s Own Royal West Kent Regiment. Killed in action Sunday 25th April 1918 at the age of nineteen years. Son of Thomas and Esther Garner School Yard Wavendon. Named on Saint Mary War Memorial Wavendon. Private Garner is buried in Ypres Town Cemetery Extension West-Vlaanderen Belgium Plot II Row A Grave 37.

1918 Private 120227 John Roland Casemore 55th Battalion Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) Formerly 35558 Wiltshire Regiment. Died of wounds Monday 29th April 1918 at the age of nineteen years. Son of Mr and Mrs J Casemore of 53 High Street New Bradwell. Named on New Bradwell War Memorial. Private Casemore is buried in Lapugnoy Military Cemetery Pas de Calais France Grave IX D 7.

1918 Private 30678 (Albert) Ernest Limbrey 17th Lancers (Duke of Cambridge’s Own) Killed in action Thursday 8th August 1918 at the age of nineteen years. Son of Harry Limbrey 67 Weston Road Olney. Named on Olney War Memorial. Private Limbrey has no known grave. He is commemorated on Vis-en-Artois Memorial Das de Calais Panel 3.

1918 Private 26171 Reginald Whatley 2nd/7th Battalion Royal Warwickshire Regiment. Killed in action on Monday 19th August 1918 at the age of nineteen years. Son of John and Emily Whatley of Bletchley. Named on Fenny Stratford and Bletchley War Memorial. Private Whatley is buried in Tanny British Cemetery Thiennes Nord France Plot 5 Row D Grave 11.

1918 Private 14722 William Charles Mansfield 18th Battalion Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) Formerly 41685 London Regiment, Killed in action Thursday 22nd August 1918 at the age of nineteen years. Son of W C  and Mary Mansfield of Holly Tree Farm Woughton on the Green. Named on Woughton on the Green War Memorial. Private Mansfield is commemorated on Vis-en-Artois Memorial. Pas de Calais France Panel 10.

1918 Private 26536 Cecil Vernon Cownley East Sussex Regiment. Died Thursday 22nd August 1918 at the age of nineteen years. Son of Arthur and Louie Cownley 36 Western Road Wolverton. Named on Wolverton and Old Wolverton War Memorial. Private Cownley is buried in Beacon Cemetery Sailly-Laurette Somme France Grave II J 9.

1918 Rifleman R/42987 Donald Paxton Cave (Listed on Wolverton War Memorial SDGW – Soldiers Died Great War and CWGC – Commonwealth War Graves Commission) 18th Battalion King’s Own Rifle Corps. Died of wounds on Tuesday 3rd September 1918 at the age of nineteen years. Rifleman Cave’s right leg, right foot and left foot were amputated on 3rd September 1918, he died after the operation. Son of Mr and Mrs J J Cave of 150 Windsor Street Wolverton. Named on Wolverton War Memorial and Radcliffe School War Memorial and Wolverton and Old Wolverton War Memorial. Rifleman Cave is buried in Lijsssenthoek Military Cemetery Poperinge West-Vlaanderen Belgium Plot XXV Row J Grave 23A.

1918 Private 26173 Michael Smith 2nd/6th Battalion Royal Warwickshire Regiment. Died of wounds Wednesday 4th September 1918 at the age of nineteen years. Born and resident of Hanslope. Son of Thomas and Mary Smith of Hanslope. Named in Hanslope War Memorial. Private Smith is buried in Aire Communal Cemetery Pas de Calais France Grave IV D 1.

1918 Private 39097 Alek Augustus Charles Ellis Royal Berkshire Regiment (Princess Charlotte of Wales’s) Died of wounds Thursday 10th October 1918 at the age of nineteen years. Son of Arthur and Eliza Ellis 37 Caldecote Street Newport Pagnell named on Newport Pagnell War Memorial  Private Ellis is buried in Grevillers British Cemetery Pas de Calais France Grave XVII A3

1918 Private 50605 William Charles Wright 1st Battalion Prince Albert’s (Somerset Light Infantry) Killed in action Saturday 2nd November 1917 at the age of nineteen years. Son of William and Mary Wright of Bedford Road Lavendon. Named on Lavendon War Memorial. Private Wright is buried in Querenaing Communal Cemetery Nord France Grave A 5.

1940 Pilot Officer (Pilot ) 42043 David Conquest Barker 44th Squadron Royal Air Force Died Friday 24th May 1940 at the age of nineteen years. Named on Radcliffe School War Memorial. Pilot Officer Barker is buried in Rheinberg War Cemetery Nordrhein-Wastfalan Germany Plot 5 Row E Grave 22.

1940 Leading Aircraftman 1058860 John Charles Dewing Spurgin Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve. Died Friday 20th December 1940 at the age of nineteen years. Leading Aircraftman Spurgin is buried in Little Brickhill Saint Mary Magdalene Churchyard North of Church.

1942 Aircraftman 2nd Class 163397 Albert Henry Thomas Clements Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve. Died Sunday 25th October 1942 at the age of nineteen years. Son of Albert and May Clements of Bletchley. Named on Fenny Stratford and Bletchley War Memorial. Aircraftman Clements is buried in Bletchley Cemetery Grave 1023.

1943 Stoker 1st Class P/KX 135648 Bernard William Frank Lunnon HMS Pakenham Royal Navy. Died Friday 16th April 1943 at the age of nineteen years. Son of William and Phyllis Lunnon of Woburn Sands. Stoker Lunnon has no known grave. He is commemorated on Portsmouth Naval Memorial Hampshire Panel 78 Column 1.

1944 Sergeant 1874338 Cyril Stapleton Air Gunner 207 Squadron Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve. Died Wednesday 5th July 1944 at the age of nineteen years. Son of Leonard and Beatrice Stapleton Newport Pagnell. Named on Newport Pagnell War Memorial. Sergeant Stapleton is buried in Creil Community Cemetery Olse France Plot 1 Collective grave 731B.

1944 Private 14694981 Kenneth Sidney Woolhead 1/7th Battalion Royal Warwickshire Regiment. Died Monday 17th July 1944 at the age of eighteen years. Son of Sydney and Edna Woolhead of New Bradwell. Named on New Bradwell War Memorial. Private Woolhead is buried in Tenay-le-Pesnel War Cemetery Tessel Calvados France Grave III D 13.

1944 Lance Corporal 14426891 Peter Hooton 1st Battalion Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry Died Friday 3rd November 1944 at the age of nineteen years. Son of John and Ellen Hooton of Olney. Named on Radcliffe School War Memorial and Olney War Memorial. Lance Corporal Hooton is buried in Leopsoldsburg War Cemetery Limburg Belgium Plot III Row E Grave 10.

1945 Pilot Officer 190279 Flight Engineer Alvin Kenneth Parker 420 (R.C.A.F.) Squadron Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve. Died Tuesday 16th January 1945 at the age of nineteen years. Son of Albert and Ann Parker of New Bradwell. Named on New Bradwell War Memorial. Flight Engineer Parker is buried in Berlin 1939 -1945 War Cemetery Berlin Germany Grave 5 G 18-20.

1945 Flying Officer (Navigator) David Forester Sinfield DFC 1566 Squadron Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve. Died Wednesday 21st February 1945 at the age of nineteen years. Son of William and Mary Sinfield of Bletchley. Awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross. Named on Bletchley Saint Mary’s War Memorial. Flying Officer Sinfield is buried in Rheinberg War Cemetery Kamp Linford Germany Plot II Row A Grave 14.

Percy George Jarvis Killed in action Thursday 10th September 1914. How many years ago is that date ? One hundred and nine years. If he were still alive today he would be one hundred and twenty-eight years old.

David Forester Sinfield Died Wednesday 21st February 1945. How many years ago is that  date ? Seventy-eight years. If he were still alive today he would be ninety-seven years old.

Percy Jarvis is not 128, he is nineteen. David Sinfield is not ninety-seven, he is nineteen.

If it were not for David and if it were not for Percy and all others named on war memorials across our City there would be no Milton Keynes here and now in 2023.

I would remind you of a poet from The Great War who spoke out against the erecting war memorials saying the fallen should be remembered in peoples’ hearts and not by carving their names on pillars of stone. In the 1920’s that was true but now more than one hundred years later these war memorials are vital within our City’s heritage, without them those young boys giving their teenage lives none of us would be able to live our older ages.

To read the list of sixteen and seventeen year old lads who lost their lives while serving King and Country CLICK HERE.

For our eighteen year old heroes CLICK HERE

These teenagers and those I have recorded over the past two days are NOT part of Milton Keynes history, they are central to our heritage. Please take a look at MILTON KEYNES THE CITY OF HERITAGE.

Saturday 21 January 2023

Miton Keynes Teenage Heroes - MK Today Sunday 22nd January 2023

Milton Keynes Teenage Heroes

Sunday 22nd January 2023

MK Today this week is MK THREE Days !  Yesterday I spoke about young boys giving their teenage lives for King and Country and shared the list of our sixteen and seventeen year old ancestors whose names can be found on Milton Keynes war memorials. CLICK HERE to read that edition. Today I would ask you to take the TWELVE eighteen year olds and place them into your heart,

1916 Private 2585 John Cox 2nd/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion of the Oxford and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry. Died of wounds Tuesday 25th July 1916 at the age of eighteen years. Resident of Fenny Stratford. Named on Fenny Stratford and Bletchley War Memorial. Private Cox is buried in Merville Communal Cemetery Nord France Plot XI Row B Grave 20.

1916 Private 3844 Albert Victor Mander 1st/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry. Died Friday 14th August 1916 at the age of eighteen years. Named on Wolverton and Old Wolverton War Memorial. Sion of Mrs Annie Mander Grinley Cottage Stony Stratford. Private Mander has no known grave. He is commemorated on Thiepval Memorial Somme France Pier and Face 10A and 10D.

1916 Private 22516 Archibald Thomas Betts 8th Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment, Died of wounds Saturday 30th September 1916 at the age of nineteen years. Resident of Bletchley. Listed on Fenny Stratford and Bletchley War Memorial. Private Betts is buried in Grove Town Cemetery Somme France Plot I Row K Grave 19.

1917 Private 286200 Antcliffe Edward Burton 2nd/1st Queen’s Own Oxfordshire Hussars. Died Wednesday 28th March 1917 at the age of eighteen years. Son of William Burton of School House Bow Brickhill. Named on Radcliffe School War Memorial and Bow Brickhill War Memorial. Private Burton is buried Bow Brickhill All Saints Churchyard.

1917 Private 85027 John Thomas Cross 28th Company Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) Formerly 26736 Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry. Killed in action Friday 21st September 1917 at the age of eighteen years. Son of George and Maria Cross 1 High Street Stantonbury. Named on New Bradwell War Memorial. Private Cross is buried in Tyne Cot Cemetery Zonnebeke West-Vlaanderen Blegium Grave LII F 4.

1918 Private 537254 Cyril Stapleton 15th (County of London) Battalion (P.W.O. Civil Service Rifles) London Regiment (Listed on the memorial as Prince of Wales Own West Yorkshire Regiment) Died in England Saturday 19th January 1918 at the age of eighteen years. Son of William and Jane Stapleton of Kypersley Wolverton Road Newport Pagnell. Named on Newport Pagnell War Memorial. He is buried in Newport Pagnell Burial Ground.

1918 Private 378668 Ernest John Homans 333rd Area Employment Officer Labour Corps Formerly 45620 Worcester Regiment and TR/9/35210 4th Battalion Training Reserve. Died Saturday 6th April 1918 at the age of eighteen years. Son of William and Elizabeth Homans 33 Priory Street Newport Pagnell. Named on Newport Pagnell War Memorial. Private Homans is buried in Etaples Military Cemetery Pas de Calais France Grave XXIII E 29A.

1918 Private 38024 Herbert Wilfred Goodman 1st/5th Battalion Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry Formerly 7/14497 Training Reserve. Killed in action Wednesday 17th April 1918 at the age of eighteen years. Son of Arthur and Maude Goodman 12 Spring Gardens Newport Pagnell. Named on Newport Pagnell War Memorial. Private Goodman has no known grave. He is commemorated on Loos Memorial Pas de Calais France Panel 68.

1918 Private PLY/2648(S) John Thomas Tansley Plymouth Division Royal Marine Light Infantry. Died from disease at Plymouth Wednesday 5th May 1918 at the age of eighteen years and five months. Son of Joseph and Ellen Tansley of Cross End Wavendon. Named on Wavendon Saint Mary War Memorial. Private Tansley is buried in Saint Mary’s Churchyard Wavendon.

1918 Private Frank Brantom (Listed as Brantom on SDGW – Soldiers Died Great War) 2nd Battalion Norfolk Regiment. Killed in action Thursday 22nd August 1918 at the age of eighteen years. Son of Joseph and Mary Brantom 25 Wolverton Road Newport Pagnell. Private Brantom is buried in Beacon Cemetery Saily-Laurette Somme France Grave VI E5.

1918 Private 50868 J F Ives (Probably James Frederick Ives) 1st Battalion Royal Warwickshire Regiment. Died of wounds 30th August 1918 at the age of eighteen years. Named on Newport Pagnell War Memorial. Private Ives is buried in Lingy-St Flochel British Cemetery Averdoingt Pas de Calais France Grave III A 31.

1918 Private 59964 Arthur Harold Holmes 5th (Reserve) British Territorial Royal Warwickshire Regiment. Died in England in service Friday 1st November 1918 at the age of eighteen years. Son of William and Annie Holmes 37 Great Brickhill, Named on Great Brickhill War Memorial. Private Holmes is buried In Great Brickhill Church Cemetery.

How old would John, Albert, Archibald, Antcliffe, John, Cyril, Ernest, Herbert, John, Frank, James and Arthur be if they were still alive today ? You can do the Mathematics if you wish but the answer is they are all EIGHTEEN years old. Happy, smiling teenagers who never knew adult life. Happy young men is how we should remember them. Happy young men is how I would ask you to place them in your heart.

Tomorrow MK Today will introduce you to the FORTY-SIX nineteen year olds whose names can be found our City’s war memorials.

Without their being born, without their giving their lives there would be no City of Milton Keynes.