Monday 2 January 2023

The Diary Of A Nobody - 2nd January 2023

Monday 2nd January 2023:


5am and I am watching television news. My right arm aches, I need to have the plaster cast removed. I need it to happen but I do not want it to happen.

Yesterday the Archbishop of Canterbury spoke out about failures within the care system. I usually don not listen to pontificating vicars and do not support them but right now I am one hundred and one percent behind Archbishop Justin Welby.

Right now the news is reporting five hundred people a week are dying because the NHS is not equipped to care for them. Five hundred people are dying when they would live if the NHS was properly resourced to care for them.

Nurses and paramedics going on strike is not about pay, it is far deeper than that. Public support is close to universal. I have always said that the conservative party does not understand the fact that there are  real people at the end of its policies, this situation is a perfect example of this. The labour party, of course, knows very well there are real people but think we only exist for its members to play politics with ! His Majesty’s Loyal Opposition, where has that disappeared to !

In the 1980’s I ran an extended essay project with students at Leon School debating the restoration of the death penalty. Forty years ago bringing back hanging was a possibility. I have written extensively about hanging, books such as BEHIND THE NOOSE OR NOT and THE HANGMAN’S GRANDSON. Why has the death penalty been restored by failing to support our NHS in saving lives ?

Forty-three thousand civilians were killed during the Blitz in World War Two, one thousand and seventy-five a week. At the beginning of December last year around 250 people a week were losing their lives to Covid.

We went again for a little walk at Woughton, it knackered me but I need to get the swelling down on my feet. Woughton is a beautiful place, sheep were grazing in the field which are ridge and furrow pre-dating the enclosures. I can’t drive, obviously and being a passenger is uncomfortable so I can only manage short distances. On the way home along Grove Way, one of the oldest roads in Milton Keynes, a beautiful fox ran across the road. We were just by the Open University, the beauty of nature and learning from the world’s largest university met.

Looking back to what I wrote one year ago, I recorded the Covid figures: Sunday 2nd January 2022  162,572 new cases  154 deaths 1,915 hospitalisations

Going back two years I scribbled these words within a larger document. I do not feel safe right now, I do not trust the government and never have as it fails to act quickly enough. Remember Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher ?  Remember her words: You turn if you want to, the lady’s not for turning !  This could be re-written: You turn if you want to but you’ll never turn as many times as Boris does !

I do hope we will see another U turn. Keep all schools closed until pupils and staff can be vaccinated. With this new strain of China Virus it is essential we lock down all gatherings where the virus can put two fingers up to mankind.  Yes, my heart bleeds for the teenagers who are having their lives ripped apart right now, important formative times destroyed by the China Virus. However, better that than their lives ended ! 

Boris wake up and U turn !

Now two years later I am begging within my heart for everything to U turn for our NHS. Two years ago I apparently was not a fan of Boris. Today I am saying: Bring back Boris !

To end today’s diary I have checked out a few things that happened in days gone by:

2nd January 1963 in The Vietnam War the Viet Cong won its first major victory. On this day I was 12 years of age.

2nd January 1974 former Hollywood actor Ronald Regan was sworn in as Governor of California. On this day I was twenty-three years of age.

2nd January 1981 one of the largest British police investigations ended with the arrest of Peter Sutcliffe, The Yorkshire Ripper. He died last November, a truly evil man. On this day I was forty years of age.

Today I am seventy-two years of age. I wish I wasn’t !

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