Wednesday 4 January 2023

The Diary Of A Nobody - 4th January 2023


Wednesday 4th January 2023:

For the first time since my accident on 8th December I slept in my own bed. A lovely night’s sleep but one punctuated too many times by my need for the loo ! 3.30am Doggie Jake wanted the loo so I had to get up. He’s gone back to sleep but I couldn’t so here I am at the laptop – 5am. Let’s see what the TV news is.

Main item is the fact that the USA has failed to elect a speaker for its house of congress. Do I look as if I am remotely interested ! Droned on for seven minutes.

Russia says soldiers using smart-phones enabled Ukraine to target attacks picking up their signals. Excellent ! For once dumbo smart-phones have achieved something of worth.

China gave the world the pandemic in 2000 so why are people getting excited about 2013 travel restrictions ?  Have we not learned anything ?

China Virus, that’s what I always called it during the pandemic, had figures one year ago of: Tuesday 4th January 2022: 157,758 new cases  42 deaths and 1,1915 hospitalisations. Have we learned nothing ?

Also on the news the prime minister says that everyone should study Maths to the age of 18 years. I can think of a lot better things than that to study as a teenager.

7.45am I had a bath, fist since my accident. Lovely. Not easy getting in and out but feeling so much better.

I do not want this this diary to turn into a record of my writing but:

WEALTH BEHIND BARS: 1,179 words written today bringing the total to 31,952. Rapidly coming towards the story’s conclusion.

THE ADVENTURE OF MY KA IN A BRAVE NEW WORLD: I started today to check the draft text I began working on way back on 5th September then set aside when Microcrap updated my pc, hacking in overnight and causing me to lose a day’s work. Now I am picking up from that date, 28th September, ready to continue writing once Wealth Behind Bars is finished.

Trees are the fingerprints of nature – no two are the same. We went to Woughton again for walk. Next time I am going to take my camera and photograph some of the beautiful trees to be found in this special place.

Amazon will later be delivering copies of Milton Keynes The City Of Legend. I have typed and printed letters to send copies to our two Milton Keynes Members of Parliament.


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