Thursday 5 January 2023

The Diary Of A Nobody - 5th January 2023

Thursday 5th January 2023:

Amazon, I am a great fan of Amazon, has delivered the draft copy of my poetry collection. It’s great so on my doings list this morning is to make it available as an e-book. I am concentrating on real, paperback books but while I was in hospital the other day in the waiting room was a lady reading a Kindle e-book on a tablet.

5.24am watching the news on TV Amazon is reportedly cutting its workforce. Oh dear, I need to write more and I need to promote my books to help Amazon.

I’ve switched the TV off. That horrible little man, Kier Whateverhisnameis, is going to give labour’s view on the prime minister’s speech from yesterday. I need a good day today so I am not going to let him spoil its start.

Went for a walk with Doggie Jake, this time at Saint Giles Tattenhoe. Another mega place of legend. Thomas Becket preached there, that was before he became Archbishop of Canterbury and was murdered in his own cathedral.

I’ve posted copies of Milton Keynes The City Of Legend to both Milton Keynes Members of Parliament, I hope they read the 200,000 words and celebrate our City.

Why am I writing this diary ?  Why did Queen Victoria write a diary ? Samuel Pepys ?

Never mind them. I am writing partly to add positivity to my present situation. These last four weeks since my accident have not been easy. I am also and primarily writing hoping what I am scribbling will encourage others to write for themselves.

Sharing my daily diary on Google Blogger reader statistics are firmly in single figures:

Introduction –

Sunday 1st January – 5

Monday 2nd January – 3

Tuesday 3rd January – 3

Wednesday 3th January – 3

My first edition of MK Today published on 31st December hit 77. This week’s article for Saturday is ready. Fingers crossed it will pull more than seventy-seven. Ah ! Problem, I cannot cross my fingers wearing this post-operative splint.

I thought to end today’s diary I would dip into that I wrote one year ago. I found I had written rather a lot, rather than edit the words I have decided to add them all.

Wednesday 5th January 2022 218,724 new cases+ 48 deaths+ 1,924+ hospitalisations

There was a length Downing Street briefing last night on TV. In my mind I am adding this to the three AMAZING Royal Institute lectures given over Christmas by Professor JVT. With one or two slight reservations I find myself agreeing with what The Prime Minister said.

Politics the vomit of society. I coined that phrase. I also coined the phrase: If politics is the vomit of society then the media is bucket used to catch the spew !

The nation lost faith in politicians over the way they so dishonourably behaved with BREXIT. The conservative party does not understand that there are real people at the end of its policies. The labour party fully understands who and what real people are but firmly believes they are only there to play politics with !  The liberal democratic party ? Surly all members should be prosecuted under The Trades Description Act, the only democracy this political insignificance believes in is if it suits its own purpose.

When it came to this pandemic Boris Johnson’s government proved itself to be a government of too little, too late. Boris Johnson failed totally to give the leadership our country needed. However, where would we be had Jeremy Corbyn been resident in Downing Street.

What has angered me every day is the flippant way the statistics are announced and the failure of government to show love and support through its words for the REAL people behind those figures. Families and loved ones going through terrible times of agony and heartbreak. But compare that alongside the way in which the media disrespects these real people and Boris’s Gang become tiny.

The conservative party fails to comprehend the fact that  there are real people behind its policies. Don’t any blue politician dare to lie in the face of the evidence. How many tory vomit producers rebelled within the vote as the government tried to bring in measures recently to protect real people ?  If would be interesting to know how many of these also played politics and disregard to democracy over BREXIT. Would the media set aside its vomit bucket and undertake a bit of research into this topic ? I doubt it !

But in spite of all the vomit give praise where praise is due. Praise is needed here in a very large quantity. Britain has shown leadership to the world with the vaccination programme. Boris has shown leadership inspiring volunteers to support vaccinations. What he said last night and what Professor JVT said in the lectures was right. I  wonder how many politicians watched those three utterly brilliant lectures ? I wonder how many who did watch them understood them as did the teenage audience !

The government had made the wearing of masks mandatory in certain places. Professor JVT fully explained the reasoning behind this. But why in my  local supermarket do so many staff members ignore this rule ? Why is it members of the public think it is acceptable to wear a mask with their nose poking out ? In my experience offenders tend to be older people.

Why does the government not think social distancing should be brought back ?  My local branch of Poundland has decided to use its own common sense and reintroduce the measure.

I am taking lateral flow tests. JVT again gave a brilliant explanation as to why we need these tests and how they work. I have had no issues at all obtaining tests. Why is it an option to file test results ? Surely this should be mandatory.

We are now seeing areas within society being overwhelmed by staff absence due to positive testing. We are on the edge of society collapsing due to staff absence in a wide area of employment. Yet there is a significant number of people who have not been vaccinated !

No vaccination = no engagement outside the offender’s home !  Why not ?  Don’t give me all that human rights rubbish. The REAL people behind the numbers reported each day have rights do they not !

It used to be socially acceptable to smoke. It is not now and laws are in place protecting society from smokers. Nobody complains about human rights there do they !

It used to be the norm to drive a car without wearing a seatbelt. Not now. The fine for failing to observe this law is accepted, people wear seatbelts. Human rights ?

Does human rights not include common sense ?  Does human rights not include love and respect for other people ?  Does human rights include politics and all the vomit it produces ?

Was I right or AM I right !

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