Sunday 16 April 2023

MK Today - Monday 17th April 2023

Today I am inviting the media, such as it is within Milton Keynes, to get behind saving our dinosaur. In so doing I would like here to share the content of the complaint filed against Bletchley & Fenny Stratford Town Council and importantly within that complaint the plan t o rescue our friend.

This is a formal complaint against Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Council

I am filing such on behalf of those who have signed the on-line petition regarding the demise of Leon Dinosaur. (Please see enclosed.) I am also doing so in respect of former Leon School Headmaster Bruce Abbott, Milton Keynes Community Artist Bill Billings (Sadly both left us some time ago) and all Leon School Students who were involved in the construction of the statue.

The complaint is against Bletchley & Fenny Stratford Town Council as a corporate body and against all individual members  of the council.

The complaint relates to the demise of the Leon Dinosaur statue which has been caused by negligence on the part of Bletchley & Fenny Stratford Town Council.

Please find enclosed Leon Dinosaur Story and Demise which gives background information.

Throughout Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Council denied ownership and responsibility. After considerable investigation over a significant period of time I received notification from Milton Keynes City Council on 30th March 2023 that Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Council has owned and been responsible for Leon Dinosaur for seven years. Please find enclosed copy of the letter confirming such. Within this it states the clerk has checked records and agrees ownership. Although this person and the council is fully aware of the campaign to save the dinosaur no communication has been made with myself.

The complaint is in two parts:

FIRSTLY: Bletchley & Fenny Stratford Town Council provided false information denying  ownership and responsibility for Leon Dinosaur frustrating and causing delay to the campaign seeking to save this item of heritage. This complaint seeks to put forward the fact that every member of the council has to be called to account for such.

SECONDLY: Bletchley & Fenny Stratford Town Council has overseen the demise of Leon Dinosaur disrespecting all those who were responsible for its construction and the statue’s place within our city’s heritage. Councillors whose role it is to represent the community have watched the situation develop without questioning and intervention.

Not part of the complaint as such is not within the jurisdiction of those invited to process such, I would like to place on record the fact that  Iain Stewart member of parliament for the location on which stands Leon Dinosaur ignored each and every communication sent to him seeking help to rescue this icon of heritage.

When this complaint has been processed and the above confirmed, on behalf of those I am associating with such I would invite all  members of Bletchley & Fenny Stratford to consider their positions. It is their responsibility to confirm who was behind false information being given and what action should be taken against such persons.

Moving the situation forward to rescue Leon Dinosaur and preserve its heritage for future generations; it is clear that given liability resting with Bletchley & Fenny Stratford Town Council this is not a responsible body to oversee such.

It is my suggestion that ownership of Leon Dinosaur be placed into the hands of a small group of trustees and removed from Bletchley & Fenny Stratford Town Council.

Given responsibility for the present situation Bletchley & Fenny Stratford Town Council must finance repairs and removal of Leon Dinosaur to a new location. I would invite the council to then make a yearly grant to the trustees to maintain the statue.

Given the thinking of Leon School Headmaster that the statue being located at the bottom of the school field would make it the first thing seen by train passengers from the South when entering Milton Keynes and the last seen when travelling in the opposite direction, there is only one place Leon Dinosaur can be relocated from its present position and that is to where Headmaster Abbott had it built. Co-operation and support from the present Leon School will be required but the burden of responsibility need not to be placed on its shoulders, such being with the trustees. I would ask the present school to celebrate all that Leon Dinosaur stands for and raise such celebration within the heritage of Milton Keynes.

Speaking on a personal note, as the original project co-ordinator I would like to see a plaque placed with the dinosaur acknowledging and thanking Headmaster Bruce Abbott for the idea, Community Artist Bill Billings for turning that idea into reality and all Leon School Students involved in the construction.

Leon Dinosaur has within its body a time capsule reflecting life in the 1990’s, this was put together by Leon School students. I would suggest to present students they put together a time capsule which could be buried adjacent to the dinosaur on the school field reflecting life in the 2020’s.

That now concludes this grievance and presentation which I will leave in your hands hoping for a satisfactory conclusion endorsing the complaint against Bletchley & Fenny Stratford Town Council enabling a positive way forward.

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