Tuesday 11 April 2023

MK Today - Wednesday 12th April 2023

Allow me in this edition to share a personal experience.

WHERE PETS ARE FAMILY – That is a Milton Keynes statement.  It is the mission statement of Milton Keynes Vet Group.

From Whaddon Way Bletchley to Walnut Tree; from Willen to Water Eaton to Stony Stratford every surgery has those beautiful words at the centre of every pet consultation.

I love and support as much as I can our NHS, if I live to be one hundred I will never be able to repay the debt my family owes to our National Health Service. Vets are members of the Animal NHS, as with those working the human species they do not treat their patients but care for them. Vets and their nurses are special people who do what they do by way of a passion deep within their hearts.

Jake the Dog of Love was central to my family for eight years. He passed away suddenly and unexpectedly on Tuesday 31st January this year. Milton Keynes Vet Group operates a 24/7 service, just as does our NHS. Jake was admitted on Monday evening to Doggie A & E at Walnut Tree Animal Hospital. Overnight care is given there by Vets Now. I received a telephone call at six thirty the next morning, Jake was no longer with us.

Jake was physically wrapped in a blanket. On arrival at the hospital my wife Maureen and I were immediately wrapped in thick, warm blankets of love. Arrangements were made for Jake’s cremation. We were sent cards of condolence from MK Vet Group and Vets Now. We were sent seeds to plant in a memorial area of our garden. Where Pets Are Family – that is not an empty statement. It is true, 101% true. ALL staff within MK Vet Group are dedicated, loving people who do not treat their patients but care for them.

Without Jake our home was empty, without the love with which this beautiful little boy had filled it for eight years sadness was everywhere. Before Jake was taken ill we had started to support the RSPCA, on his passing I sent a gift to our local sanctuary.

Who put the R is RSPCA ? I bet you don’t know. R = Her Majesty Queen Victoria. The RSPCA was founded in 1824, that was actually before Queen Victoria ascended the throne and gave this new rescue charity its royal warrant.

Where is the RSPCA rescue sanctuary local to Milton Keynes ? It is Blackberry Farm at Quainton about thirty minutes drive south from our city.  I wonder how many people know that.

What does the RSPCA do ?  We’ve all hear of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals but what does it do ?  Rehome unwanted animals ? Actually no. Let me tell you Barnaby’s story.

Barnaby is a Patterdale Terrier who was born into evil ! Used with other dogs in the cruel, illegal sport of badger bating Barnaby will ill-treated with cruelty beyond anything you can possibly imagine. He was physically and mentally ill.

This came to the notice of the RSPCA which took away the dogs and began legal proceedings against those involved. These dogs were taken to Blackberry Farm where a full-time team of vets, nurses, animal behaviourists and others spent a whole year treating and caring for each little boy and girl. That is the work the RSPCA does.

With the case won staff began looking to find forever homes for these now happy little boys and girls. The way in which the RSPCA goes about this task is far more than simply rehoming. We were approached and asked if we would adopt Barnaby. This was very soon after losing Jake but we said we would.

I cannot believe that Barnaby was born into such evil but he was. He is a happy, very affectionate, well behaved and loyal boy who has made our home his own and filled it to overflowing with love. How can that be given his background ? That is easy to answer, the year he spent living at Blackberry Farm while the court case was pending the love of the RSPCA completely changed him. When he came to live with us he was on doggie anti-depressant pills. Leaving Blackberry Farm we did not simply wave bye bye and leave it at that, the vet team is still in contact checking on Barnaby’s health and condition. Vets, the animal version of our NHS.

We registered Barnaby with Milton Keynes Vet Group, taking him to Whaddon Way surgery we were hit with a wall of love and that is not an empty statement. The way we were welcomed and the care given to Barnaby during his check up was LOVE in block capital letters. It had to be experienced to be believed.

Do you know that nationally the RSPCA receives a call reporting animal neglect and cruelty every thirty seconds ? The way to call emergency services is to dial 999, the way to call help for animals is to dial 0300 1234 999. Make a note of that number for sadly there are many cases of animal cruelty and neglect in Milton Keynes.

Check out our local rescue centre at Blackberry Farm:


See if there is a pet there you could take into your family.

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