Friday 21 April 2023

Rescuing Leon Dinosaur - AN UPDATE.

In campaigning to save Leon Dinosaur I have been careful in speaking about Bletchley & Fenny Stratford Town Council to refer to FALSE information and avoid the “L” word. Now within its recent posting there are LIES ! Two of them.

Sign the petition:

Check out the council's posting at the end of this account.

“…recent oral information…” NOT TRUE. After much difficulty I received information IN WRITING from Milton Keynes City Council regarding the dinosaur’s ownership, stating it had been in the possession of Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Council for seven years. I photocopied this and gave it to Bletchley & Fenny Stratford Town Council. It had the information IN WRITING. To use the word oral is to downgrade the information almost making such hearsay. It is also UNTRUE.

“….was never intended to be a long-lasting public art installation…” EXCUSE ME this was my project, its demise is the fault of Bletchley &

Fenny Stratford Town Council. It was Headmaster Bruce Abbott’s idea. I was the project co-ordinator and I know what I co-ordinated !  Bill Billings, Community Artist worked with Leon School Students to make it happen. How dare Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Council give this false information within its posting claiming it was never intended to be long-lasting ! That is UNTRUE. Untrue and loaded with disrespect.

“…The Town Council has previously advised in good faith ….” 

Good faith ?  Incompetence perhaps would be a better word. Why when I first made enquiries were proper checks not under taken ?  How can a public body own a community asset and not be aware of such ?

Just how can members of that public body stand by and watch the demise of a community asset and not ask what is happening ?

Why when I first started the campaign to save Leon Dinosaur did a member of Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Council attack me on social media ?

I have made a Freedom Of Information request to name the writer of the post and who authorised its publication. I will then add this person to the formal complaint.

Sign the petition:

Bletchley & Fenny Stratford Town Council is clearly not a fit and proper organisation to have anything to do with rescuing our dinosaur.  Please share this matter, send the number of signatures through the roof, we need to set aside the failings of Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Council and save our much loved Leon Dinosaur.

How many council members are aware of this situation and how many do not care ? How many feel guilty and how many regard what is happening an an annoying and unnecessary irrelevance ? For those who genuinely care and feel saddened by what their council has done I invite them to join the campaign and sign our petition.

Signatures as of midnight Friday 21st April 2023:

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